
Hudson Lynn Awarded Certificate "With Distinction"

August 07, 2019

Hudson Lynn defended his MSc thesis titled Computation of Mountain Wave Clouds in a Moist Boussinesq Fluid Model on August 7, 2019, and has received the certificate "With Distinction" for his achievement.

In his dissertation, Hudson discusses and derives equations coupling atmospheric fluid dynamics with the thermodynamics of water vaprou/liquid phase change to obtain a model for cloud formation over a mountain, then develops, implements, and tests a novel numerical implementation that successfully capture mountain cloud behaviour under various atmospheric conditions. The examining committee remarked that the thesis is well-written, demonstrates a clear mastery of the subject area, and contains substantial and significant original content with strong potential for publication. They also noted that Hudson presented a clear and well-organized talk at his thesis defence, and his confident answers to questions demonstrated his clear mastery of the subject matter.

Congratulations Hudson!