

ine. Humble, Ph.D.

Dr. ine Humble is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Studies and Gerontology at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She completed her PhD in 2003 in Human Development and Family Studies, with a minor in Women Studies, at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. Her main research interests focus on family rituals, family work, and gender construction. She also conducts research on women and healthy aging, same-sex families, qualitative research methods, and qualitative data analysis software. Dr. Humbles work is published in journals such as the Canadian Journal on Aging, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Family Theory and Review, and Journal of Women and Aging. She has been facilitating training workshops on MAXQDA software for qualitative data analysis since 2009 through her consulting company, Fada Research Consulting. She is always trying to find time to incorporate more yoga into her schedule.

Jacqueline Gahagan, Ph.D.

Jacqueline Gahagan, PhD (Medical Sociology) is a Full Professor (Health Promotion) and Head of the Health Promotion Division at Dalhousie University. Jacqueline is also the Director of the Gender and Health Promotion Studies Unit (GAHPS Unit), and holds research associate positions with the European Union Centre for Excellence, the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute, and the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre.  Jacqueline has been involved in HIV/AIDS advocacy, activism and research for over two decades and was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition her work in the field. Professor Gahagans program of funded health promotion research focuses on mixed methods approaches to addressing health disparities among gender and sexual minoritized populations, including an exploration of the breast and gynecological cancer experiences of LBQ women and trans people, promoting resilience among LGBTQ youth, gender- and equity-based analyses of HIV and Hepatitis C prevention policies and programs for youth, end of life conversations among older LGBTQ populations, and access to and uptake of testing innovations such as point-of-care HIV testing.

Kirk Furlotte, M.A.
Research Assistant

Kirk was a graduate student at Dalhousie University, where he obtained his MA in health promotion. He worked on several LGBTQ+ health research projects prior to joining our team and was active in community service in Halifax. Kirk used data from our men's focus group for his thesis exploring the perceptions of end-of-life care for older gay and bisexual men. Kirk is currently the Atlantic Regional Manager for the Community-Based Research Centre.

Sarah Paterson, B.A.
Research Assistant

Sarah Paterson is a research assistant on the TVN funded project 'Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community and Care among LGBT Older Adults' in the Halifax region. Her research interests include diversity among the aging population including individuals identifying with the LGBT community and older adults living with chronic illness. She is currently completing her Masters of Arts in the Family Studies and Gerontology Department at Mount Saint Vincent University and has a background in Health Studies from McMaster University.