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Publications - Last updated 6/29/2020

Peer Reviewed Journals


Beringer, R., Gutman, G. & de Vries, B. (2017). Developing a web-based platform to foster end-of-life planning among LGBT older adults.  Gerontechnology, 16(1), 48-55.  

deVies, B. & Gutman, G. (2016). End-of-Life Preparations Among LGBT Older Adults. Generations, 40(2), 46-48. 

de Vries, B., Gutman, G., Soheilipour, S., Gahagan, J., Humble, A., Mock, S., Chamberland, L. & Fast, J. (2020). Advance Care Planning Among Older LGBT Canadians: Heteronormative Influences. Sexualities

de Vries, B., Gutman, G., Humble, A., Gahagan, J., Chamberland, L., Aubert, P., Fast, J. & Mock, S. (2019). End-of-life preparations among LGBT older Canadian adults: The missing conversations. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 88(4) 358-379.

Gahagan, J., Humble, A., Gutman, G. & de Vries, B. (2018).  Older LGBT adults end-of-life conversations: Findings from Nova Scotia.  Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 39(1) 31-40. 

Mock, S., Walker, E., Humble, A., de Vries, B., Gutman, G., Gahagan, J., Chamberland, L., Aubert, P. & Fast, J. (2019). The role of information and communication technology in end-of-life planning among a sample of Canadian LGBT older adults.  Journal of Applied Gerontology,39 (5), 536-544.

Pang, C., Gutman, G. & de Vries, B. (2019) Later life care planning and concerns of transgender older adults in Canada. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 89(1) 39-56.

Peer-reviewed Blogs

Beringer, R., Gutman, G., & de Vries, B. (2016, February).     Canadian Virtual Hospice Exchange

Theses & Graduate Research Project Reports

Furlotte, Kirk (2018, July).  Exploring the end-of-life care perceptions of older gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM). Master of Arts in Health Promotion thesis, School of Health and Human Performance, Dalhousie, University.
Graham, Aynsley (2015, February). LGBT inclusive end of life services within Edmonton. Human Ecology Directed Research Project: Final Report, University of Alberta.   
Paterson, Sarah (2017, March). End-of-life preparation and technology: a comparison of gay men and lesbians. MA thesis in Family Studies and Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University.

Conference Proceedings/Published Abstracts
Beringer, R., Gutman, G. & de Vries, B. (2016). Internet use among LGBT seniors in Canada. Gerontechnology, 15 (suppl):72-72. [Extended abstract of presented paper]

de Vries, B., Gutman, G., Chamberland, L., Fast, J., Gahagan, J., Humble, A., & Mock, S. (2017). Preparations for end-of-life among LGBT older Canadians. Innovations in Aging,  1 (Issue suppli_1): Session 2050  [Abstract of presented paper]  

de Vries, B. & Gutman, G. (2015). Later life preparation by older LGBT persons: Perspectives from Canadian research.  The Gerontologist, 55 (Suppl 2):618 [Symposium Abstract]

de Vries, B., Gutman, G., Fast, J., Mock, S., Chamberland, L., Humble, A., Gahagan, J. & Aubert, P. (2015). Preparations for end of life among older LGBT Canadians. The Gerontologist, 55 (Suppl 2):618 [Abstract of presented paper]

Gutman, G., de Vries, B., Mock, S.,  Chamberland, L., Gahagan, J., Humble, A., Pang, C., Paterson, S., and Fast, J. (2015). Canadian service providers perspectives on needs and barriers to effective end-of-life planning among LGBT older adults. The Gerontologist, 2015, 55 (Suppl 2):618 [Abstract of presented paper]

Gutman, G., Kushner, J., Hung, L., Van Breeman, C. & Keats, P.  (2014). Conversations in the Life Span:  Children, Youth and Seniors. In Transcripts Forum 2014: Essential Conversations for Effective Advocacy (pp. 219-231).  Vancouver:

Gutman, G., Mock, S. de Vries, B., Humble., A. Gahagan,J., Chamberland, L., Fast, J. &  Walker, E. (2018) The role of internet technology in social integration and end-of-life planning of LGBT older adults, Gerontechnology 2018;17(Suppl.): 85s   [Extended abstract of presented paper]

Newsletter and Magazine Articles

Aubert, P. (2015). The Fostering end-of-life conversations, community and care among LGBT older adults town hall meeting, GRCNEWs, 34(1)4-5.

Resource Inventories

Beauchamp, J. & Dumas, J. (2015, May). LISTE DES RESSOURCES POUR LES AIN.E.S LGBT  

Beringer, R., de Vries, B. & Gutman, G.  (2015, January). The British Columbia LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory.  Vancouver: 間眅埶AV Gerontology Research Centre.  

Beringer, R.,  de Vries, B., Gutman, G. &  (2015, March). The Edmonton LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

Furlotte, K. & Paterson, S. (2015, May). The Nova Scotia LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

Pang, C. (2015, April). The Toronto LGBT End-of-Life Resource Inventory

Technical Reports

Chamberland, L., Beauchamp, J.,  Dumas, J. and Rondeau, C. (2015, May). Research report Montreal focus groups.  

Chamberland, L., Beauchamp, J., Dumas, J. et Kamgain, O. (2016). A簾n矇.e.s LGBT : favoriser le dialogue sur la pr矇paration de leur avenir et de leur fin de vie, et la prise en charge communautaire. Rapport de recherche volet montr矇alais, Chaire de recherche sur lhomophobie, Universit矇 du Qu矇bec Montr矇al.
Pang, C. et al (2016, April). Focus Group Vignettes  - Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community and Care among LGBT Older Adults Project.  

News Media Coverage

Costa,D. (2015). . DailyXtra Toronto, Mar 23

Costa, D. (2014). . DailyXtra Toronto, Oct. 2

Fraser, L. (2014) Study to look at aging in LGBT communities. Herald News, July 23

On the Island, CBC News (2015). . March 25


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