
About Us

Reviewing the literature, we found that older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) adults were more likely to age alone, with limited resources in a stigmatizing environment where they were often poorly served by traditional health services and hesitant to avail the same. This has resulted in poorer overall health and an associated reduced preparedness for end-of-life.

The goal of our project and this website is to redress these disparities. To date we have conducted focus groups with: lesbian and bisexual women; gay and bisexual men; transgender individuals; and service providers in five Canadian cities.  The purpose of these Town Halls was to present results from our focus group research, launch LBGT End-of-Life Resource Inventories, collect additional data (via town hall exit surveys), and engage further with the communities. The final phase of the project is the development of this website where we wish to facilitate knowledge exchange and dialogue through our Forum.

Our team is comprised of faculty and students from six universities across Canada, and individuals from community organizations, regional health authorities, provincial governments, and international associations. To learn more about our researchers and community partners please click on the links below.


British Columbia: Vancouver site
Alberta: Edmonton site
Ontario: Toronto site
Quebec: Montreal site
Nova Scotia: Halifax site

Community Partners

British Columbia: Vancouver site
Alberta: Edmonton site
Ontario: Toronto site
Quebec: Montreal site
Nova Scotia: Halifax site


Read the with our Principal Investigator Dr. Brian de Vries


The "Fostering End-of-Life Conversations, Community and Care among LGBT Older Adults" project was funded by a Catalyst Grant from TVN-NCE (For more information on TVN visit:).