
LGBT Elder Abuse



In a unique inter-generational project, that brought together queer youth  (") with queer senior citizen creative writers (""),  Gloria Gutman and her team from 間眅埶AVs Gerontology Research Centre  created a set of videos and posters and fact sheets designed to raise awareness and address elder abuse in the LGBTQ community.  These were premiered in 6 Town Hall meetings held in Surrey, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince George, Kelowna and Victoria British Columbia between Febuary 10 and March 3, 2016.  The Vancouver Town Hall was video-recorded.  Website visitors are encouraged to view it for background information on elder abuse and why we think LGBT seniors may have additional risks over those of the general population of older adults.  We also urge you to use our videos to start the conversation -- that's their purpose -- and to adapt the posters and fact sheets to identify where help can be obtained in your local community.   This is an action-oriented project - give us your feedback. We want to know what you think about the videos and the poster/fact sheets and how you use them. An exit survey is available to track who attends your event and to give us data on knowledge spread. For a copy email lgbteol@sfu.ca or gutman@sfu.ca.


Gutman, G.M., Robson, C. & Marchbank, J. (2020).  Elder abuse in the LGBT Community. In: A. Phelan (Ed.) Advances in elder abuse research - Practice, legislation and policy (pp.149-164) International Perspectives on Aging, Vol. 24. Springer.  [Print ISBN 978-3-030-25092-8]

Raising Awareness and Addressing Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community: An Intergenerational Arts Project.


Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community Town Hall, Vancouver, Feb18, 2016:

間眅埶AV-Gerontology Research Centre: Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community -

間眅埶AV-Gerontology Research Centre: Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community -

間眅埶AV-Gerontology Research Centre: Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community


LGBT Elder abuse posters (English):

Emotional abuse poster

Financial abuse poster

Physical abuse poster

Sexual abuse poster

Neglect poster

LGBT Elder abuse posters (Chinese):

Emotional abuse poster  

Financial abuse poster

Physical abuse poster

Sexual abuse poster

Neglect poster

LGBT Elder abuse posters (Punjabi):

Emotional abuse poster

Financial abuse poster

Physical abuse poster

Sexual abuse poster

Neglect poster


News Coverage

News coverage of our Vancouver Town Hall:

News coverage of our Nelson Town Hall:

News coverage of our Prince George Town Hall:




Dr. Gloria Gutman & Dr. Claire Robson hosted a workshop at BOLDFEST 2015 on Elder Abuse in the LGBT community. To view the PDF of this informative presentation please click the link below:

Raising Awareness and Addressing Elder Abuse in the LGBT Community


Newsletter Articles

Robson, C. & Gutman, G.  (2015). Elder abuse in the LGBT Community an intergenerational arts initiative.


Blog Posts

Jones, A. (2016). Elder abuse in the LGBTQ Community - Vancouver Town Hall Meeting. Canadian Network for the Prevetion of Elder Abuse website posted March 1. Website address: 

Robson, C.  (2015). Elder abuse in the LGBT Community an intergenerational arts initiative.  Blog,  Canadian Network for the Prevetion of Elder Abuse website posted Aug 17. Website address: 


Radio interviews

Jan 20: Raising awareness about elder abuse in the LGBT community, Kootenay Morning Show, CJLY 93.5, Nelson, Neil Sorochan host.

Feb 10: Town hall meeting on raising awareness and addressing elder abuse in the LGBT community,  Vancouver CBC Radio On the Coast Show.

Feb 16: Town hall meeting on raising awareness and addressing elder abuse in the LGBT community, CKNW, Simi Sara Show.

Feb 19: Town hall meeting on raising awareness and addressing elder abuse in the LGBT community, Prince George Early Morning Show, 250 News.

Feb 22: Town hall meeting on raising awareness and addressing elder abuse in the LGBT community, CBC Kelowna.