


Important Note: Because of the various levels of hardware, software and driver support of Linux-based devices, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVNET-SECURE and eduroam are not officially supported by IT Services. This guide is to serve as a best-effort attempt to provide the required configuration steps to connect to the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVNET-SECURE or eduroam networks using a vanilla install of Ubuntu. Your mileage may vary.

  1. Open the System menu
  2. Select Preferences
  3. Select Network Connections from the menu.
  4. Click on the Wireless tab.
  5. Select the Wireless Networks tab
  6. Ensure that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVNET-SECURE or eduroam is not already in the Networks list. If so, remove it.
  7. Click the Add button
  8. Enter the following configuration details (settings are case-sensitive!):
    1. Connection Name: ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVNET-SECURE or eduroam
    2. SSID: ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVNET-SECURE or eduroam
    3. Mode: Infrastructure
    4. BSSID: Leave blank
    5. MAC Address: Leave blank
    6. MTU: Automatic
  9. Click the Wireless Security tab
  10. Enter the following configuration details (settings are case-sensitive!):
    1. Security: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
    2. Authentication: Tunneled TLS
    3. Anonymous Identity: computingid@sfu.ca
    4. CA certificate: Leave blank
    5. Inner authentication: PAP
    6. Username: your computingid@sfu.ca
    7. Password: your ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV password
  11. If you are prompted to use a CA Certificate, you can do so by downloading the  certificate (you will have to do this before you connect to wireless) and click the "Show all operating systems" link below. You may also choose to proceed without checking the certificate.
  12. You should now be able to connect to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVNET-SECURE or eduroam