

Departmental cellphones (Rogers) FAQ

New Rogers Phone Plan

Why is ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV changing its existing Rogers cell phone plan?

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is transitioning to a new Rogers phone plan to better align with the university's current needs. The new plan will offer improved cost savings, enhanced service quality, and increased operational efficiency.

When will the new phone plan take effect?

The new Rogers phone plan is set to take effect on August 1, 2024.

What are the benefits of the new Rogers phone plan?

The new plan will provide:

  • Significant cost savings

  • Increased data limits

  • Improved roaming options

  • A one-time credit of $200 or $300 for renewing existing lines, based on phone line eligibility.

Who will be affected by this phone plan change?

The change will affect all faculty and staff currently enrolled in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's cellular plan.

Where can I learn more about the specifics of the new phone plan?

Reach out to your departmental phone administrator for more information about the new plan. 

How will the line credit be applied?

Based on phone line eligibility, the credit will be automatically applied to existing lines. 

Employee and Personal Plans

My partner or child would like a cell phone. Are there discounts available for family members of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV faculty and staff?

Yes, there are discounts available for family members. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV employees who avail of the Employee Personal Plan (personally paid) will receive a discount. To proceed, access the website below to review available plans and device options, as well as place an order:

  • Access Key: GOV
  • Province: BC

For any questions on your existing Rogers Employee Plan (personally paid accounts), please contact:

  • Email: sales@fvwireless.com
  • Phone: (604) 244-0550

How do I view available phones, plans or special promotions?

Contact your departmental Rogers order administrators, and they can provide the details via accessing Rogers portal at . Your departmental Rogers order admins are likely your departmental telecom administrator or your Director.


How do I order a new phone?

Any requests for upgrades should be discussed with your departmental phone administrator and approved by your director.

How long does it take to get my phone?

Delivery of new phone hardware is 3-5 business days depending on stock availability.

Data use and charges

I am going travelling and need to add on roaming minutes to my plan. What should I do?

Please contact your departmental Rogers’ Order Administrator to add a roaming package onto your account. The Roaming Package guide is not available online for corporate accounts. It is highly recommended that you purchase a roaming package when you're travelling outside of Canada, including the United States. You can significantly reduce your cell phone fees. 

If a roaming package was not added, the Rogers Auto-Deploy Buckets will be activated when anyone travels outside of Canada.  More details can be found here

Is international text messaging included in our unlimited SMS package?

No. Only Canadian SMS text messages are included in the unlimited text package. There are international text messaging packages available. Please contact your departmental Rogers’ Order Administrator for details.

Device and Account Changes

How do I know when I can upgrade my phone?

Any requests for upgrades should be discussed with your departmental phone administrator and approved by your director.

How do I transfer my existing Rogers account into the Rogers/¶¡ÏãÔ°AV plan?

Rogers requires written confirmation/authorization from the designated ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Order Administrator as well as the subscriber to change ownership/liability of a wireless service.

If the only requirement is to transfer the number to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s account, the Order Administrator should e-mail mybsg3@rci.rogers.com, indicating that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is willing take over ownership of phone number and its contract; cc the subscriber, who must also indicate their agreement to Rogers.

I want to move my phone from Bell/Telus/another provider onto this corporate plan but want to keep my existing number. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible.

Rogers requires written confirmation/authorization from the designated ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Order Administrator as well as the subscriber to change ownership/liability of a wireless service.

Transferring Service 
If the only requirement is to transfer the number to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s account, the Order Administrator should e-mail mybsg3@rci.rogers.com, indicating that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is willing take over ownership of phone number and its contract; cc the subscriber, who must also indicate their agreement to Rogers.

New Hardware Required
If new hardware is also required, please specify this in the e-mail to mybsg3 so they can check the Upgrade Eligibility.  The order administrator will also need to place the hardware order through the RogersDirect’s website.  

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV User Survey
An important step in setting up a new user or service on ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Corporate Plan is to have the user complete the Web Survey available on the Resources for departmental Rogers order adminstrators page.

The web survey provides personal and billing information to Telephone Operations and Accounts Payable, as well as defining and providing an electronic record of the user accepting the terms and conditions of possessing the University owned device.  Once the survey is completed I will be able to provide access to Rogers Business Self Serve to view monthly invoices.

Please note that by agreeing to these terms, the wireless number and hardware become the property of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and all future management of the account must be handled only by the designated Order Administrator(s).

Cancellation Fees
It's also important to note that Rogers will not cover early cancellation fees from other cell phone carriers.

I'm an ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV employee with a corporate cell phone. Can I transfer my ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV corporate account to my personal account?

Yes, you can.

Rogers requires written confirmation/authorization from the designated ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Order Administrator as well as the subscriber, in regard to changing ownership/liability of a wireless service. 

If the only requirement is to transfer the number to a personal account, the Order Administrator should e-mail mybsg3@rci.rogers.com, indicating that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is willing to relinquish ownership of phone number and its contract; cc the subscriber, who must also indicate their agreement to Rogers to accept financial responsibility.

Once transferred, the user must follow the instructions provided by your Order Administrator.  


Can my monthly payments come directly out of my grant?

No. If the grant includes this type of expense, you would need to obtain approval from Research Accounting first and then process a journal voucher after the expense has been approved.

Who do I contact if I have questions about my account or monthly bill?

Contact Rogers MYBSG (My Business Support Group) at 1-877-274-3375 ext. 55803 or email mybsg3@rci.rogers.com. Rogers will only speak to your departmental Rogers order administrator. 

If you have questions about your personal Rogers account(s), call the 1-800 number on your monthly invoice.


I just received my new Rogers phone and need a case and other accessories. What do I do?

The RogersDirect website provides additional accessory discounts for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Please ask your departmental Rogers’ Order Administrator to view or order accessories at   

Cell Phone Administrators

As a Rogers Order Administrator, how do I place an order for a new phone, accessory or service?

To order cell phones on the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV corporate plan, do the following:

The Passcode is available by e-mailing phones@sfu.ca.

To order phones, you will also require the following information:

  • Account Number: 645675562
  • PO#: Use the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV G/L#

How do I get myself or another in my department added to the departmental Rogers Order Administrator's List?

Requests to be placed on the list must come from an existing Order Administrator or a departmental signing authority to phones@sfu.ca

When I place an order, where should I send the invoice?

Invoices for hardware should be sent to the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV department placing the order.  The consolidated invoice paid by the University is only for the monthly service charges.

Who do I contact with questions about the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Corporate Plan, billing, or the ordering portal?

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Corporate Plan:
Email phones@sfu.ca

Price Plan, Account Inquiries
MYBSG3 – Wasim and Kevin
1-877-274-3375 Ext. 55803
8 am – 5 pm


My phone is broken. What do I do?

If your phone is within its 12-month warranty please contact your departmental Rogers’ Order Administrator. They will contact RogersDirect and arrange a loaner phone while your phone is in for servicing. If your phone is outside of the 12-month warranty period, contact your departmental Rogers’ Order Administrator and see if you are eligible for a hardware upgrade. Most out-of-warranty repairs exceed $100. If you have an extended warranty please ask your departmental Rogers’ Order Administrator to contact RogersDirect.