
The Road to Bargaining

March 07, 2019

The University will keep the community apprised of key developments once bargaining commences and periodic factual updates on the status of proposals will also be available on our LR website as bargaining proceeds.

What happens during collective bargaining? 

Union and university representatives from across the University community will meet to discuss changes to various articles and clauses within the agreements that will support respective guiding principles and interests.  

The University has engaged in a lengthy consultation process and a mandate has been developed based on the strategic goals of the University, the 2019 Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate provided by the Public Sector Employers’ Council (PSEC).  

Both parties at the bargaining table will present and discuss their proposals with supporting data, make counter-proposals and reach agreements on individual proposals that together will form the basis for a renewed agreement. Typically non-monetary items will be discussed first followed by monetary items such as benefit improvements or general wage increases. 

The duration of collective bargaining is conditional upon a number of factors, one being the number of proposals being tabled, and the other being the nature, complexity and implication of the changes sought. 

Bargaining is a very dynamic and fluid process and both the University and the Unions will at times need to make concessions and compromises in order to reach agreements. The parties have to remain engaged in constructive negotiations at the bargaining table, and we rely on the strong collaborative relationships we have built between bargaining years.

Media and Updates

The University will keep the community apprised of key developments once bargaining commences and periodic factual updates on the status of proposals will also be available on our LR website as bargaining proceeds.

If you have any questions you may contact any member of the University’s Labour Relations team