
Hybrid Work Program

The Hybrid Work Program

At ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, we value a vibrant campus community experience for our students, faculty and staff. Our Hybrid Work Program is designed to enable and support in-person interactions and collaboration while also bringing some flexibility to the way we work. 

Employees participating in the program spend some of their time working on campus and some of their time working remotely from an alternate work location. On-campus work can refer to another physical location other than ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s 3 main campuses where an employee is needed to represent or perform work duties on behalf of the university. The amount of time spent working on campus is determined by the Work Persona assigned to a position which is based on an assessment of role responsibilities, departmental operating requirements as well as team connection and collaboration needs. Personas and hybrid work arrangements can vary in terms of the days and frequency of on-campus presence and may be structured or flexible. The right balance may differ across departments and roles. 

A Principle-Based Approach

Our framework for hybrid work takes a principle-based approach to faculty and departmental decision making. Employees participating in the program will work together with their manager and team to ensure arrangements align with operational needs and support the desired workplace culture. Managers are encouraged to review the tools on the Leaders' page which outline specific considerations and resources, recognizing that each unit has unique operating needs that need to be met. 

Hybrid Work Framework

The Hybrid Work Program Framework provides information on each Work Persona; requirements and limitations of hybrid work; and the process of establishing and modifying arrangements. All managers and employees are required to review the Framework prior to starting their hybrid work arrangements. 

Guiding Principles

Hybrid work arrangements will:

Support ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s vision, values and commitments and enable operational excellence

  • Align with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Strategic Priorities including Equity, Diversity, Inclusion; Reconciliation; Student Experience.
  • Align with the University’s priority for in-person learning and consider the student experience and student success in decision making.
  • Utilize a student/customer-centered approach, including examining role requirements and components of work which are essential to be conducted on-campus.
  • Ensure service standards and operational requirements are met or exceeded.
  • Incorporate principles of equity and fairness rather than equality.

Support leaders and teams

  • Rely on trust, open dialogue and flexibility to create arrangements that embrace inclusivity.
  • Require shared accountability by employees and leaders on work expectations, agreement on work output, standards and communication.
  • Need shared commitment for maintaining safe and healthy work environments.

Support workplace culture

  • Encourage a vibrant on-campus community experience and support in-person connections with colleagues.
  • Support the University’s ability to attract, engage and retain diverse talent.

Support employment obligations

  • Support the safety, health and well-being, both physical and emotional, of employees.
  • Be mutually agreed upon by the employee and their respective manager, not to be interpreted as a right of employment nor as a term or condition of employment.