
APSA Bargaining Update - December 2021

December 15, 2021

We are pleased that negotiations with APSA leadership have now concluded. We reached agreement on two of the three elements of the current PSEC mandate: wages and the term of the agreement. One item remained to be resolved was the allocation of a modest fund that is available to each employee group to be directed towards enhancing customer service. The fund is referred to as the service allocation portion of this PSEC Mandate.

The University and APSA used the Impasse Resolution Process pursuant to the 間眅埶AV/APSA basic agreement to resolve this outstanding matter. On Monday December 13th, Arbitrator Dorsey issued his decision on the outstanding matter and provided direction on the application of the funding. The University is pleased that this concluded negotiations with APSA on wages and general economic benefits.

Below is an overview of the decision:

  1. Term of the agreement:  3-year agreement, beginning July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022.
  2. General Wage Increases (GWI): 2% for each year of the 3 year term of the agreement.  All increases will be retroactive from the date of the increase. 

The GWI agreement is as follows:

July 1, 2019 - 2.0%

July 1, 2020 - 2.0%

July 1, 2021 - 2.0%

Retroactive payments will paid out within 90 days of December 13, 2021 to all eligible APSA employees including former continuing employees who have retired or are no longer employed by the University and former Temporary Employees who were employed between July 1, 2019 and December 13, 2021.

Items decided through the Impasse Resolution process:

  1. Pursuant to policy AD 10.11: Reimbursement of Professional Development Expense
  • Professional development expenses will be increased to $1,100 per calendar year and the maximum carry-forward amount will be increased from $3,500 to $5,500.
  • The difference in reimbursement funds unable to be spent between July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2021 will be paid out as a one-time amount to all eligible continuing APSA members. The unspent funds will be equally divided amongst all eligible continuing APSA members and pro-rated for continuing APSA part-time employees.
  1. Pursuant to policy AD 10-08: Leaves With and Without Pay
  • The three (3) weeks of uninterrupted service between periods of sick leave will be removed for APSA temporary employees. Employees will still need to complete their initial three weeks of uninterrupted service in order to qualify.
  1. Pursuant to Policy AD 10-11: Reimbursement of Professional Development Expenses
  • Temporary employees with a minimum contract period of one year will be eligible for reimbursement of professional development expenses of $550.
  • Any unspent funds will be paid-out to eligible temporary employees.