
Links & Resources

Preparing to appoint

Research Assistant/ Research Support:

Postdoctoral Fellow:


Tools, calculators and queries

Log into myINFO to run the following queries:

  • Valid work Visa for temporary foreign workers:
  • Work assignments/ Other employment at 間眅埶AV: 
  • RAs that have been transitioned to employees of 間眅埶AV: 


Human Resources & Payroll 


Employment standards & 間眅埶AV guidelines

間眅埶AV policies

  •       Human Rights Policy
  •       Conflict of Interest
  •       Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education and Support
  •     Access to Information and Protection of Privacy
  •    Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Participants
  •     Intellectual Property Policy
  •    Integrity in Research and Misconduct in Research


Orientation for new employees

Labour Relations
