
Faculty of Environment Profiles: 2023

The Faculty of Environment is one of only a handful of interdisciplinary environmental faculties in Canada – and the only one in Western Canada focused on sustainability and sustainable development.

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  • May 23, 2023

    May 23, 2023

    Stella is a PhD candidate in the Department of Geography studying elements that contribute to the conduciveness of an environment for running and how privilege influences patterns in participation. (Vanier CGS)

  • August 10, 2023

    August 10, 2023

    Chelsea is now in the final stages of completing my MRM-Planning degree, with my research focused on evaluating Canadian climate policy.

  • January 17, 2023

    January 17, 2023

    Mateas is a master's student in the Resource and Environmental Management program, and a recipient of the CGS Master's scholarship. Mateas's research aims to identify and eliminate the toxic chemicals in the Salish Sea that harm the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale population.