
[Gondaras research] contributions significantly lower the bar for collaboration and broaden practical applications of machine learning while respecting data privacy.

Ke Wang

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Dr. Lovedeep Gondara receives Deans Convocation Medal

As one of 間眅埶AV's most outstanding graduate students from the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Dr. Lovedeep Gondara is recognized with the Dean of Graduate Studies Convocation Medal. On behalf of 間眅埶AV, we congratulate Dr. Gondara on his outstanding achievements.

June 01, 2023

Dr. Lovedeep Gondara's doctoral research addresses the challenging problem of enhancing machine learning performance while using decentralized data and ensuring that data privacy is intact. Gondara developed innovative methods to guarantee machine learning models arent leaking sensitive information about training data.

Gondaras research helps to address the issues that are found in applications such as learning prediction models from electronic health records distributed over multiple hospitals or labs, fraudulent transaction detection using data stored at multiple financial institutions, and more. This helps to eliminate traditional barriers to collaboration and allow for data collection that provide uniform and reliable information without a loss to privacy.

In addition to multiple publications in leading journals and conferences, Gondara also received a Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral (CGS-D) award from NSERC to support his doctoral research.

Dr. Ke Wang, Gondaras supervisor has this to say about the results of Gondaras research, [Gondaras research] contributions significantly lower the bar for collaboration and broaden practical applications of machine learning while respecting data privacy.

Says Gondara, My time at 間眅埶AV has been memorable and a great learning experiencestarting from my first semester and my very first course all the way to my thesis defense. My thanks goes to my supervisor, Dr. Ke Wang, for his exceptional guidance and believing in me; which made all this possible.

Gondara works as a Research Scientist at Provincial Health Services Authority.

Additional Links

  • Academic Unit: Computing Science
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