
Wang, Ke

Professor, School of Computing Science


Tel:  778.782.4667
Email:  wangk@cs.sfu.ca
Office:  TASC1 9235


Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, United States, 1986
M.Sc., Georgia Institute of Technology, United States, 1984

Research interests

  • Mining massive datasets
  • Mining biological data
  • Graph and network data
  • Data privacy

Teaching interests

  • Database
  • Data mining and data privacy
  • Information retrieval

Recently taught courses

  • CMPT 354 Database Systems I
  • CMPT 454 Database Systems II
  • CMPT 741 Introduction to Data Mining
  • CMPT 884 Special topics in Database Systems

Selected recent publications

  • Chaytor, R., Wang, K. . The 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2010).
  • B. Fung, K. Wang, R. Chen, P. Yu. . ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 42, Issue No 4, 1-53, June 2010, ACM Press
  • R. She, J. Chu, K. Wang, J. Pei, J. Chen. . Genome Research, January 2009 19:143-149
  • B. Fung, K. Wang and P. Yu. . ICDE 2005, 205-216

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