
One Health and the changing global health landscape - The neglected heartbeat

Featuring Salome Bukachi

Over the years the world has experienced pandemics of varied magnitudes and geographical scales causing great disruption in the lives and livelihoods of many as well as affecting global health security.

Given the nature of these pandemics, addressing the issues of prevention, detection and response arising at the interfaces of animal, human and environmental health is crucial and needs addressing from a wholistic perspective.

During her presentation, Salome will attempt to answer the following questions:

  • What does this wholistic perspective entail?
  • Who is guiding these perspectives?
  • Why is it that some perspectives are underrepresented?
  • Which are these perspectives?
  • How can we weave these perspectives in tackling future pandemics?  

Watch the lecture video recording

Questions and Answers from the Webinar Chat

How we can attain justice in terms of health? What can be the examples of strategies?

Thanks for your great query. Attaining justice in health is a complex issue that is not straight forward but requires addressing from multiple levels and scales. Everyone all the way from the local levels to the the global levels require to be acorded opportunities to access health services. Innovative strategies that are appropriate and relevant to the different categories of people in the community. some of the strategies include working through and with existing local structures, highlighting the barriers that hinder social justice so that policies and interventions take cognisance of these factors and deliberately engrain aspects of social justice and the rights of everyone to health; Empowering communities to have more control over their health and in decison making among others we can discuss further one on one

Were any other food sources provided during the 2006-2007 RVF outbreak, since the population's usual food sources were unavailable?

Initially at the beginning of the outbreak there was no provision but as the outbreak advanced, the government organised and distributed food support to the community

Excellent presentation " Mkhana Wefwe" I wanted to check in if you are having any intervention and engaging with wildlife and interventions working through wildlife other than just domestic livestocks

Yes we have been working closely with researchers from the Kenya Wildlife Services in relation to various infectious diseases that have close connections across domestic and wildlife. But there is need to increase such kind of intergrated studies

Dear Dr. Salome, thank you for this key presentation! I would like to ask for your experience regarding methodologies to bring gender transformative One health interventions at community level. In Colombia, we have gender unbalanced dynamics in rural populations and seems we need different methodologies to cope with these issues in a sustainable way.

Thank you.I have been part of a project that has been looking at gender and livestock vaccines. Some of the transformative methods entails working with male champions and allies within research, policy and practitice, Bringing together different communities of practice who work in the community and inducting them into gender transformative practices as they work in the community, holding continous dialogues with communities using methods like role plays, drama, music, art; being deliberate about taking into consideration gender differentials while working with communities eg ensuring that training opprtunites take into conisderation the different gender roles and responsibilities of men and women so that they are not missed out when One health activites are being carried out. We can follow up further one on one on this.

Thank you so much for such an informative insight. It was so much helpful in learning the complex intertwined dimensions of one health. 歹

Thank you for this great feedback.

Thank you Professor Bukachi for coming to Vancouver and sharing your knowledge about One Health. As 間眅埶AV moves forward in its development of a new medical school, my question is about the training of future doctors. What would be your advice to those developing this new curriculum on how to instill a One Health perspective in future medical graduates?

Thank you for the great question and for thinking ahead. My advice would be that the curiculum developers take advantage of this opportunity to include some key competency units on one health principles including socio-cultural, gender and behavioural aspects in their curiculum as well as a unit emphasizing on Indigenous knowledge and approaches in interacting with human health, animals, enviroment and conservation. It would be great to also include Practical sessions where the medical students get to work in multidisciplinary/tansdiciplinary set ups together with vets, environmentalists, social scientists, gender experts etc to tackle a common health problems as a team.

Join the Conversation with Salome Bukachi

Event Details

Date: Thursday, January 25

Time: 7:00 pm

In-Person Location: 間眅埶AV Vancouver, HC 1900 (515 W Hastings St)

Online Location: Webinar
*ASL services will be provided for webinar attendees


Note: Seating is limited. A recording of the lecture will be made available after the event.

About Salome A. Bukachi

Associate Professor, University of Nairobis Institute of Anthropology, Gender, and African Studies

Previously Prof Bukachi worked for six years at the former Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute as a Research Officer in the Socio-economics Department. She holds a PhD in Anthropology, specializing in Medical Anthropology. Author of over 45 publications and supervisor of over 50 graduate students.

She has carried out extensive research on the social and behavioural aspects of African Trypanosomiasis besides research in other infectious diseases. Her research areas of practice have been focused on community participation, gender, health systems and the socio-economic and cultural/behavioural aspects of mainly zoonotic infectious diseases. 

She also undertakes research on Water security, agriculture, and general development issues. She works with various stakeholders both local and international in undertaking research and development on anthropological issues. Her main disease focus has been on infectious zoonotic diseases African trypanosomiasis, Rift Valley fever, brucellosis among others.

She is a member of several regional and global initiatives including the Africa One Health Network, One Health High Level Expert Panel, LANCET- PPATS Commission on Prevention of Viral Spillover at Source, among others. 

Salome has mentored many African Anthropologists and has created a niche for herself in the emerging field of Anthropology of infectious diseases and nutritional anthropology.

Lecture Topics

One Health: Connections and Collaborations