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- Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies in Graduate Studies
Colloquium Syllabus
Spring 2021 |
Meeting Time: Day and time to be determined (based on participant schedules) |
Course Format
The webinar will be supervised by Professor Helen Leung and led by graduate student peers in a workshop environment.
This course will meet virtually. The schedule for the class meetings will be determinded based upon the availability of those enrolled.
The course will be completed on a S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) basis for graduate students and and Pass/Fail from undergraduates.. An Pass or S-grade is fulfilled by full attendance and participation.
INS 897 is a 5 credit course.
Undergraduate Students and Graduate Students in ‘per unit fee’ programs are charged a set tuition fee for each unit enrolled per term.
Graduate students in ‘per term fee’ programs are charged a set tuition fee for each term of enrollment.
How to Apply
Seating in this course is limited. Preference is given to graduate students and undergraduate students in their final year of study.
Please return completed applications to dream@sfu.ca.
Week 1 - 6
Topics (working titles; will revise once confirmed with guests)
- Introduction
- Trans Asterisk ()
- Black Diasporas ()
- Art Matters ()
- Sex and Big Pharma ()
- Plus others!
Week 7 - 12
1-2 will be bigger live public virtual events