

GSU Update

The Geography Student Union has had a challenging but exciting past couple of years. When classes moved online, so did our meetings and events. Throughout the Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 terms, we hosted virtual games nights, movie nights, a zero-waste craft workshop, and more. We also sold some more GSU-themed merchandise, including masks and ‘Reunite Pangea' tote bags. Our group particularly appreciated the opportunity to get involved in hiring decisions, and we participated in professor interviews for December 2020 and April 2021. During the Summer of 2021, we began creating a geography undergraduate research journal. 

In Fall 2021, we began the transition back to in-person activities, with our first in-person event since the trip to Seattle in 2020. We collaborated with other Environment Student Unions to create a paddling event for new first-year students. Our second event was a bowling night which was a success. Meeting up with other students at our bowling night was a chance to socially reconnect and engage with student life since many of them began their degrees online. We’ve also refurbished our common room with some new maps and games (sadly, some of the plants did not survive the pandemic!). 

Our group is particularly looking forward to our Experiential Learning Trip (ELT) in April 2022, which is a joint collaboration with the Environmental Science Student Union and the Bachelor of Environment Student Union. We will be exploring Tofino, Ucluelet, Port Alberni and Cathedral Grove Provincial Park where we will learn about Vancouver Island’s landform and ecosystem. This will be our first ELT since our trip to Seattle in February of 2020 which took place a few weeks before lockdown. 

We are excited for the year to come! Feel free to connect with us on our  to stay updated about our activities and events. 

Jonathan Ling,
President, GSU