

Instructor Resources


Course Enrollment Procedures

Class Rosters

Your class roster is available through Canvas. At the beginning of the term there will be frequent changes in enrollment as students are being added and dropped. If you want the most recent version of the class roster, you can find more instructions on how to access this here


Course Conflicts

You may receive inquiries from students who wish to take two courses which have some time overlap with one another (for example, course A ends at 3:20 on Mondays, and course B starts at 2:30 on Mondays). The decision on whether or not to permit a student to take both courses is at the discretion of both instructors. If you are willing to permit the overlap from the point of view of your course, please direct the student to obtain a Course Conflicting form .

The student should complete the form and obtain both your signature and the other instructor’s signature, and then return the form to the undergraduate program assistant. Please contact programs staff if you have questions about this process.


Waiving Pre-requisites

Students who would like to register in a class without fulfilling all the pre-requisites must obtain written permission from the instructor during the enrollment period before the semester begins. The student or instructor must then email this supporting documentation to the undergraduate program assistant. The pre-requisites will be waived no earlier than the term's open enrollment date and students will then be able to register in the course through go¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.


Switching Tutorials

During the first week of the semester, students are able to swap tutorials themselves through go¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. If a tutorial is full, they are encouraged to waitlist or check again until space is available. Starting from the second week, students will require permission from the instructor to switch a tutorial or to swap tutorials with another student in the class. Students requesting tutorial changes after the second week in the semester must email the undergraduate program assistant, along with written permission from the instructor. It is at the instructor's discretion whether to permit switching or admit a student to a course or tutorial that is already full. Other factors such as room capacity and class size will also be considered before the request is granted or rejected. Students are only permitted to attend their registered tutorial and may not sit in another section.


Course Waitlists

Students should add themselves to the waitlist of courses that are full during the registration period. They will be admitted to the class as space becomes available. Refer to the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar for current policies and deadlines relating to course adds, withdrawals, and refunds. The calendar also includes detailed information about important enrollment dates and deadlines for the current semester.