

Committees & Faculty Council

Ad Hoc/Sub-Committees

Ad Hoc and Sub-Committees may be formed on an annual basis to address specific issues such as hiring, research infrastructure, large-scale moves, social events, scholarships, communications and recruitment initiatives. With the exception of FHS Search Committees, the Dean or designate shall consult with the Faculty Executive Committee and appoint Ad Hoc and Sub-Committee Chairs to establish and manage their respective Committees. Faculty Council may also create Ad Hoc Committees as required.

Faculty Search Committee

Search Committees are responsible for recruitment. Their composition, responsibilities and process are described in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVFA-CA A23. Search Committees report to the Dean.

FHS Search Committees may be composed of FHS voting faculty, non-voting faculty, staff, students, and representatives from other ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Faculties or from external organizations. The Committee will comply with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV requirements with respect to composition, EDI considerations, and unconscious bias training.

The FHS Dean or Dean’s designate shall chair the Committee. The Chair and all other members of the committee are voting members with respect to hiring recommendations.

FHS faculty, staff and students will be kept informed of the progress of the search by the Search Committee. The Search Committee will seek input from FHS faculty, staff and students on all shortlisted candidates.

* Search Committee TOR_FHS_June 2023.pdf
Approved by FC June 2023

FHS Faculty and Staff Awards Committee

The Staff and Faculty Awards Committee (SFAC) is responsible for soliciting nominations and adjudicating internal and external staff and faculty awards. The SFAC reports to FEC.

* Nomination FormFaculty&StaffAwards2015.pdf
Use this form, or to provide guidance for your nomination letter.

Graduate Awards Committee (GAC)

The Graduate Awards Committee (GAC) is responsible for internal and external awards for which MPH, MSc and PhD students are eligible (note that undergraduate students may be eligible for some of these awards). The GAC reports to the EPC.

* GAC Terms of Reference 2021.pdf
Revised September 2021

Space Management Advisory Committee (SMAC)

The Space Management Advisory Committee (SMAC) provides advice on the allocation and maintenance of space and the acquisition and maintenance of FHS infrastructure, including laboratory equipment. The SMAC reports to FEC.

* SMAC ToR Approved by FC20230609.pdf
SMAC TOR (FC approved June 2023)
* SMAC Allocation Principles_Approved20230609.pdf
Space allocation principles (Approved June 2023)
* SMAC Membership terms 2024.docx
Space Management Membership_2024