

Teaching Squares Program

The Teaching Squares Program is a peer observation of teaching initiative designed to help you gain insights for improving your teaching. Participants form a community of practice through a process of reciprocal peer observation, self-reflection, and group discussion. 

The Teaching Squares process involves reflecting on what can be learned about your own teaching by observing colleagues. Rather than evaluating others, the Teaching Squares emphasis is on self-evaluation and reflection. Three or four faculty members make up a "square", from any unit in FENV. Subject/content knowledge of each other's courses is not a prerequisite for who your partners are. The members agree to observe each other’s classes throughout the course of a semester, then meet to discuss what they have learned from their observations.

What you'll gain from participating:

  • opportunity to participate in professional development that is directly connected to classroom practice
  • opportunity to learn more about your colleagues' work
  • opportunity to discuss teaching with colleagues and strengthen teaching and learning in FENV
  • a reflection/action plan to inform future teaching and use as an artefact in your Teaching Dossier
  • a $50 f&b gift card to use during meetings with your Teaching Square partners

What you're committing to:

6-8 hours of time over the course of a semester, including:

  • 2 meetings with your Teaching Square partners
  • classroom observations of each partner's class (or review of online course)
  • completing a reflection and action plan for future teaching
  • completing a brief survey about your experience in the Teaching Square program

Details about the program and the process are outlined in the Teaching Squares Guide.

Still have questions? Please contact Dr. Tara Holland, your Faculty Teaching Fellow, at tholland@sfu.ca

Interested in participating in a Square? 

Fill out this form and we will get back to you to help you get organized. If you already have people in mind to partner with, great! - if not, we will partner you with 2-3 other FENV faculty.
