


The Faculty of Environment supports innovative, inclusive and reflective teaching approaches that create engaging learning experiences for our students.

Advancing teaching and learning is a key priority for us and our Teaching Fellow is here is to support faculty and instructors. They will help address the challenges that instructors face and communicate solutions across the Faculty, as well as provide a channel of communication between the Faculty and higher administrative units that focus on teaching.  Our current Teaching Fellow is Tara Holland

This site is meant as a resource to celebrate and share successes and ideas.

Teaching tipsheets 

Suggestions for TA training, responsibilities, and support in remote courses

What, when, why, and how of running early-semester surveys to get formative feedback from your students about your course

Timed Canvas quizzes can be useful for testing students in remote classes but there are some features of the tool that are not readily apparent. This tip sheet addresses some of those features.

3 evidence-based tips to increase your remote teaching presence

5 steps for effective, engaging, and equitable virtual discussions

Instructional strategies to motivate learning in remote classes

Teaching resources

Remote Learning Workshop

Download a curated list of resources, quick tips and best practices for remote learning.

Course Map template

Use this template to map out your activity flow to teach and assess students.

Notes from the (remote) field

Download Tara Holland's notes on designing and delivering an engaging online course.

Leading online groups

Download this guide to leading online courses, meetings, training and events. 

Discussion board principles and strategies 

Download guiding principles and strategies to help create and maintain your presence.

Online course design checklist

Use this checklist as a guide to designing your online courses.

Innovations in Teaching and Learning Roundtable Series

Incorporating Active Learning into your Teaching

Presented by Tara Holland, Lecturer, Environmental Science



Deslauriers, L., et al. (2011). Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class. Science 332: 862-864.

Freeman, S., et al. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. PNAS 111 (23): 8410-8415. 

Hake, R.R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics 66 (1): 64-74.

Von Korff, J., et al. (2016). Secondary analysis of teaching methods in introductory physics: A 50 k-student study. American Journal of Physics 84 (12): 969-974.

Teaching in the Era of Reconciliation: Responding to the TRC Calls to Action

Presented by Cliff Atleo, Assistant Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management


間眅埶AV Aboriginal Reconciliation Council Walk This Path With Us report (2017)


My Conversations with Canadians by Lee Maracle (St:lo)

The Inconvenient Indian  by Thomas King (Cherokee)

The Fourth World by George Manuel (Secwepemc) and Michael Posluns (2019 edition with new introduction by Glen Coulthard now available)

Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-Up Call by Arthur Manuel  (Ktunaxa/Secwepemc). My review here: 

The Reconciliation Manifesto: Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy by Arthur Manuel (Ktunaxa/Secwepemc)

Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations and Contexts by Margaret Kovach (Cree/Saulteaux)

Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, M矇tis and Inuit Issues in Canada  by Chelsea Vowel (M矇tis) 

Journal articles

Decolonization is not a Metaphor" (2012) by Eve Tuck (Unangax) and K. Wayne Yang

Anti-Colonial Strategies for the Recovery and Maintenance of Indigenous Knowledge (2004) by Leanne R. Simpson (Anishinaabe)

The Contemporary Reality of Canadian Imperialism: Settler Colonialism and the Hybrid Colonial State (2009) by Adam Barker

Unsettling settler colonialism: The discourse and politics of settlers, and solidarity with Indigenous nations (2014) by Corey Snelgrove, Rita Dahmoon and Jeff Corntassel (Cherokee)

Strengthening the Writing Component of Course Work: Innovative Tips and Tools

Presented by Marnie Branfireun Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Environment, 間眅埶AV
