Dr. Helena Brandão Viana Returns to ԰AV

June 20, 2017

“Working with Dr. David Kaufman was an enriching experience. I always am looking for new opportunities to learn from researchers who work with older adults, and I look forward to new collaborations with ԰AV”.

Dr. Helena Brandão Viana from Centro Universitário Adventista de Sāo Paulo, Brazil is working with Kaufman from December 2016 until June 2017 on the AGE-WELL research project into older adults and their relationship with new technologies. She holds a BA in Physical Education and MA and PhD in Gerontology, and has been working with older adults for more than 14 years. Brandão Viana has extensive experience in managing courses related to physical activity and teaching-learning techniques for older adults. She helped develop an innovative program called “The University of the Third Age” which teaches older adults how to use internet in Brazil.

Brandão Viana is not a stranger to ԰AV as she pursued her doctorate here under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Wister in 2005. During her current visit to ԰AV, she has helped to develop new activities for older adults, such as the use of kinec games for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease. She has also worked as a co-facilitator with ԰AV’s PhD student Lena Rebecca Richardson at the Kerrisdale Community Centre conducting digital storytelling workshops with nine older adults for 10 weeks: “We helped them construct their stories using these innovative tools. This was an opportunity for the participants to share their emotions and bond with their friends”.

Brandão Viana recently returned to Brazil where she aims to share this research experience with her students and contribute to future research that addresses the needs of older Brazilian adults.
