
NMR Facility

  • Time booking is required only for AVII 600_QNP, AVIII 600_QCI, and AVIII 400_solids.
  • Please complete NMR training to acquire an NMR account for booking time. 


1. How to terminate my booking if I finish my experiments early? 

Our NMR time booking calendar has been configured to allow users to modify future events. For the events are in progress, or past, they are not editable. Users will not be able to modify these events by 'EDIT' button. Nevertheless, users can update the booking if the event is still in progress by the following way:  

  1. Open the QNP or QCI calendar, and click on the current date.
  2. Click on the event which is in progress. Do not click the Edit button which only works for future events.
  3. In the new popup window, click on the Surrender Remaining Time button.
  4. The current event will be modified to end in the next minute.

It is important to terminate a booking when the planned experiments are done early, as it not only makes the spectrometer available for other users but also saves the cost for the current user. 

2. How to book time longer than allowed by current booking rules?

Ocassionally, users may want to book time longer than allowed by the current booking rules, or want to secure a time slot in weeks. Please contact the NMR staff for help.