
Graduate Courses

Course Descriptions

CHEM 740-3   Solid State Materials Chemistry

Solid State Materials Chemistry

CHEM 740

The study of the detailed chemistry of solid state inorganic materials in terms of crystal structures, bonding, preparative methods, analytical and characterization techniques, mixed valence states, solid solutions, defects and non-stoichiometry, molecular mechanisms of the optical, electronic, ionic, magnetic and dielectric properties, and materials applications in advanced technology. Equivalent Courses: CHEM837

CHEM 742-3   Polymeric Materials

Polymeric Materials

CHEM 742

The course covers the detailed chemistry of polymers, including polymer structure, studies of polymer solutions, molecular weight determination, and the synthesis of polymers. In addition, topics of current interest in polymer science will be discussed. Equivalent Courses: CHEM869

CHEM 750-3   Physical Organic Chemistry

Physical Organic Chemistry

CHEM 750

An advanced treatment of mechanism and structure in organic chemistry and the use of physical methods as probes of structure, stereochemistry and conformation.

CHEM 752-3   Bio-organic Chemistry

Bio-organic Chemistry

CHEM 752

An advanced treatment of the use of enzymes in organic synthesis, the use of stable and radio isotopes in the study of enzymatic processes, and the design of enzyme inhibitors.

CHEM 755-3   Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Synthetic Organic Chemistry

CHEM 755

An advanced treatment of strategy in organic synthesis. The principles and use of modern synthetic methodology. Equivalent Courses: CHEM751

CHEM 759-3   Special Topics in Organic Chemistry

Special Topics in Organic Chemistry

CHEM 759

An advanced treatment of specific topics related to the study of organic compounds. Topics which will be discussed will vary from one term to the next.

CHEM 801-3   Student Seminar

Student Seminar

CHEM 801

Discussion of recent literature in chemistry.

CHEM 802-3   M.Sc. Research Proposal and Examination

M.Sc. Research Proposal and Examination

CHEM 802

Each student will submit a written report on his/her research, make an oral presentation, and answer questions relating to their proposed research.

CHEM 808-3   PhD Candidacy Examination

PhD Candidacy Examination

CHEM 808

Each student will submit a written report on his/her research, make an oral presentation and answer questions at the examination. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Prerequisite: For students in the PhD program.

CHEM 819-3   Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry

Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry

CHEM 819

In-depth coverage of a particular area of analytical chemistry. Example subject areas include separation science, mass spectrometry, optical spectroscopy, electrochemistry, or surface science. Occasionally the subject matter of this course will be a survey of recent advances in the field.

CHEM 832-3   Organometallic Chemistry

Organometallic Chemistry

CHEM 832

An advanced treatment of the synthesis, structures, reactions and spectroscopic identification of inorganic compounds.

CHEM 839-3   Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

CHEM 839

An advanced, in-depth treatment of a specialized area of inorganic chemistry.

CHEM 842-3   Special Topics in Radiochemistry

Special Topics in Radiochemistry

CHEM 842

Theory and practical techniques of the current uses of radioactive isotopes in systems of chemical interest.

CHEM 849-3   Special Topics in Materials Chemistry

Special Topics in Materials Chemistry

CHEM 849

Selected topics in materials chemistry will be covered, which may vary from year to year and may include (but are not limited to): materials with tunable optoelectronic properties, trace element analysis of materials using non-destructive techniques, and materials with applications in producing and utilizing chemical energy.

CHEM 862-3   Molecular Spectroscopy

Molecular Spectroscopy

CHEM 862

Quantum mechanical treatment of atomic and molecular energy levels. In-depth treatment of electronic, vibrational, and rotational spectroscopy including group theory treatment of selection rules that determine observed spectral lines. Prerequisite: Enrollment in Chemistry graduate program.

CHEM 865-3   Electrochemistry


CHEM 865

Modern techniques and concepts in electrochemistry. Topics include equilibrium and dynamic electrochemistry, ion transport and voltammetry. Electrochemical systems of increasing importance including chemically modified electrodes, fuel cells and solar energy conversion applications will also be discussed. Equivalent Courses: CHEM863 CHEM869

CHEM 869-3   Special Topics in Physical Chemistry

Special Topics in Physical Chemistry

CHEM 869

A specialized area of physical chemistry will be selected from a list of topics.

CHEM 898-18   MSc Thesis

MSc Thesis

CHEM 898

A thesis for the MSc degree may be written on a topic in either chemistry or chemical education. Students electing to write a thesis in chemical education, are required to complete satisfactorily 10 units of course work in the Faculty of Education in addition to the minimum chemistry degree requirements. The 10 units of course work in the Faculty of Education may not be used for credit towards the PhD degree in Chemistry if the student transfers into the PhD program. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

CHEM 899-18   PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis

CHEM 899

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Tentative Upcoming Course Offerings