
MsC & PhD Program Requirements


The minimum requirement is 12 units of CHEM graduate coursework including , and which students are required to take as early in their program as possible.   should be taken in the earliest semester possible, following the completion of . Courses outside of CHEM require Supervisor/Graduate Program Chair approval.

Students are expected to complete the course requirements in six terms and complete the program requirements in no more than nine terms (see Graduate General Regulation 1.12.1)

Students are required to attend 75% of weekly seminars each term unless recognized conflicts exist. Students who fail to meet this requirement will receive an immediate assessment of 'unsatisfactory progress' from the Graduate Program Chair (see Graduate General Regulation 1.8.2).

MSc Program

Learn more about the Chemistry MSc Program, including program requirements, program length, and other essential information, in the Academic Calendar.


Students entering the program with a bachelor of science (BSc) degree or equivalent (including students who transfer from MSc to the PhD) will complete 15 units in CHEM graduate courses including , but not including CHEM 802. Courses outside of CHEM require Supervisor/Graduate Program Chair approval.

For students entering with a master's degree, 9 units of CHEM graduate courses including  is required, but not including CHEM 801 and 802. Courses outside of CHEM require Supervisor/Graduate Program Chair approval.

Students are expected to complete the program requirements in four to five years with the possibility of one year extension.  Failure to successfully defend a PhD thesis within the prescribed years will be considered unsatisfactory progress (see Graduate General Regulation 1.8.2)

PhD Program

Learn more about the Chemistry PhD Program, including program requirements, program length, and other essential information, in the Academic Calendar.


Your registration in the MSc or PhD Thesis course confirms that you are active in the Chemistry Graduate Program.  Masters students enroll in  and Doctoral students in 

Self-enrollment is done using the and is open 5 weeks prior to the start of a term.