
Thesis Defence

There are a number of steps, forms and resources to get you through writing your thesis and to a successful defence. All degree requirements are governed by Graduate General Regulations (1.9 - 1.11).

Deadlines for Library thesis submission

Fall 2024 Early deadline*
End of term
1 October 2024 @11:59 pm (PST)
24 December 2024 @ 12:00 pm (Noon) (PST)
Spring 2025 Early deadline*
End of term
31 January 2025 @11:59 pm (PST)
30 April @ 12:00 pm (PST)


Step 1

Notify your senior supervisor and committee members of your intention to begin writing your thesis.

Step 2

Notify the Graduate Program Assistant of your intention to begin writing your thesis.

Step 3

Attend a 

Step 4

Familiarize yourself with the library's online  page.

PhD Defence Timeline

10 weeks

Circulate a copy of your thesis to your supervisory committee.  Please allow your supervisory committee one week to read and provide feedback on your thesis.

9 weeks

Make corrections to your thesis according to the feedback and corrections provided by your supervisory committee.  Send your final draft to your supervisory for their approval.

8 weeks

Your supervisor will contact an external and internal examiner for your defence.  Your supervisor will request the external examiner to provide a CV.  The date and time of your defence will also be determined by your senior supervisor at that time.

Postponement of Thesis GGR 1.11.3

If you need to postpone the publication of your thesis, please contact the Graduate Program Assistant at least complete 8 weeks before the date of your defence.

7-8 weeks

Communicate to the Graduate Program Assistant the date, time, name of the external and internal examiner.

Email your final thesis in PDF (<24MB) Note: No corrections are allowed until after the defence


MSc Defence Timeline

8 weeks

Circulate a copy of your thesis to your supervisory committee.  Please allow your supervisory committee one week to read and provide feedback on your thesis.

7 weeks

Make corrections to your thesis according to the feedback and corrections provided by your supervisory committee.  Send your final draft to your senior supervisory for their approval.

6 weeks

Your senior supervisor will contact an internal examiner for your defence. The date and time of your defence will also be determined by your senior supervisor at that time.

Postponement of Thesis GGR# 1.11.3

If you need to postpone the publication of your thesis, please contact the Graduate Program Assistant at least complete 6 weeks before the date of your defence.

4-5 weeks

Communicate to the Graduate Program Assistant the date, time, name of the internal examiner.

4 weeks

Email your final thesis in PDF (<24MB) Note: No corrections are allowed until after the defence


Students are to have no contact with the proposed examiners.  This includes contacting the examiner to schedule the examination, for the purpose of setting a video/Skype connection or for the purpose of distributing the thesis.

Your Senior Supervisor is responsible to:

  • Find and contact the Internal and External Examiners
  • Contact the Examining Committee for the purpose of scheduling the date and time of the defence

Book an appointment with the 

Apply to Graduate


Once you have completed your revisions, your senior supervisor will confirm these by email to the graduate program assistant.

The graduate program assitant will email you a PDF copy of your signed Results, Approval & Degree Recommendation form.  You will need this document to submit your thesis to the library.