
Supervisory Committee


The supervisory committee mentors and helps the student develop a program of study leading to a degree. The committee reports to the graduate program committee at least once a year on the student's progress. The supervisory committee shall be available to the student for consultation on a regular basis ()


Department regulations require that your committee be formed within the first term of your graduate program, consistent with a clear definition of your research interests. A well-balanced committee should have members that complement each other with respect to their experience and areas of expertise.  Consult with your supervisor to consider faculty members who may be available to sit on your committee.

As soon as you and your supervisor have established the members of your committee, please email their names to the Graduate Program Assistant (chemgdin@sfu.ca).  


The first supervisory committee meeting should be booked by the end of week 4 of the second term. The first supervisory meeting will include a 20-25 minute presentation by the student on a research topic. The meeting will be open to the public and the meeting will be advertise to the department. The presentation will be followed by a question/answer period.

MSc students admitted in the fall term can combine their CHEM 802 presentation with their first supervisory committee meeting. In order to combine both CHEM 802 and the first supervisory committee, all members of the supervisory committee must attend the CHEM 802 presentation.

PhD students can also combine CHEM 808 with their supervisory committee meeting as long as all members of their supervisory committee are present for their PhD Candidacy Examination.


Requests to schedule a meeting with members of your supervisory committee are to be submitted to the Graduate Program Assistant via email no later than 14 days prior to the proposed date of the committee meeting. Respecting the 14-day lead time will increase the likelihood that a meeting room and AV equipment will be readily available for the date and time you desire. Planning ahead will also ease the time constraints faced by you and your committee members.

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' regulations governing supervisory committees can be found at the following link.
General Graduate Regulations, 

Procedure to schedule your supervisory committee meetings

  1. Contact your Supervisory Committee via  to schedule a date and time for your first meeting presentation. 
  2. Contact the Graduate Program Assistant via email to schedule a committee meeting.  Please indicate if this will be your first supervisory committee meeting.
  3. A room will be booked for you and AV equipment reserved, if you have requested the use of it. An email will be sent to you confirming the arrangements (date, time, location, etc.) with a copy of your Annual Progress Report form.  Review the form and fill-in or update any information (completion date, thesis title, courses, publication, honors, etc.). Please return the form by email on or before the set deadline in the email. It is your responsibility to ensure all of your committee members are reminded of the meeting.
  4. It is your responsibility to ensure all of your committee members are reminded of the meeting.
  5. The supervisory committee assessment of student progress form and unofficial transcript will be in your mailbox.  You are to give the form to your senior supervisor at the beginning of the meeting. At the end of the meeting you and all members of your committee and are to sign the form; return the signed form to the Graduate Secretary. 
  6. When all committee members have approved your ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT, a copy will be placed in your mailbox for your personal file.

The Department strongly suggests that you enter a reminder in Connect (or other electronic device) for ten months from the date of your meeting -- as a reminder to begin preparations for the next meeting with your committee.