
Wed, 01 Feb 2023
Events, Seminar Series

Prof. Jason Hein

University of British Columbia

RealTime Analysis on Intractable Systems

Wednesday, February 01, 2023
ASB10900 @ 3:30 p.m.

Host: Dr. Roger Linington



Reaction discovery, optimization and understand critically relies of making measurements of the total
composition of a reactive system. Insitu reaction kinetic measurements represent the gold standard for deconvolution of a reaction network. This requires the extraction of realtime reaction profiles detailing the timeresolved concentrations of reagents, catalysts, ligands, intermediates, products and byproducts using online or inline process analytical technologies such as HPLC, NMR and FTIR. However, many common reactions contain physical and chemical challenges which render the direct, datadense extraction of this information untenable. In particular, systems that are heterogenous, airsensitive, or dangerously reactive are particularly intractable, rendering them opaque to mechanistic analysis using process analytical technology.

Our group specializes in the application of automation and custom analytical hardware to visualize critical mechanistic detail from some of the most challenging reaction environments. This presentation will introduce some of the newest technology created in our group, including tools to enable online visualization of solidliquid and liquid liquid heterogenous reactions. By applying these tools, mechanistic details can be rapidly elucidated, facilitating reaction optimization and process validation in dramatically reduced timelines.


Research and Teaching Interests

Research in the Hein lab focuses on the development of automated reaction analytical technology to serve mechanistic organic chemistry. These studies blend advanced robotics with synthetic organic chemistry. Current studies are aimed at solving a diverse set of problems, including understanding catalytic reaction mechanisms, building robust chemical processes for manufacturing, and developing coupled preferential crystallization technologies for chemical purification. These studies are enabled by a collection of prototype modular robotic tools and integrated analytical hardware which create the first broadly applicable automated reaction profiling toolkit.

Website for Prof Jason Hein: