CED Reconciliation
Sxwpilemaát Siyám
(Chief Leanne Joe, Squamish)
Transformative Storyteller for Economic Reconciliation
Derek Hansom
Sustainable Leadership: Making Change Happen
Sxwpilemaát Siyám (Chief Leanne Joe, Squamish)
Sean Markey
Sustainable Development: People, Planet and Places
Anthonia Ogundele
Developing CED Accelerators and Labs
Tasha Sutcliffe
Rural CED 1: Natural Resource Communities in Transition
Amy Robinson
Locanomics: Principles for Economic Prosperity
Ione Smith
CED Approaches to Food
Shaun Loney and Lucas Stewart
Social Entrepreneurship: Creating Social Value
Hilary Kilgour
Developing CED Accelerators and Labs
Emeline Le Guen
Financing CED
Kristi Fairholm Mader
Financing CED
the late Jeremy Stone
A former director, remembered for his leadership and work on Economics of Well-being and Community Economic Resilience