
Anthonia Ogundele

Courses: Developing CED Accelerators and Labs

As a trained planner and resilience professional, Anthonia Ogundele has a passion for cities and engaging communities. She was a member of the North East False Creek Stewardship Committee, igniting the re-imaging on Hogans Alley. In 2016 she turned a storefront facing closet into the Cheeky Proletariat, located on Carrall street, which is an accessible and inclusive space for the free expression of all people.

She recently left her role at Vancity Credit Union, as the Manager of Environmental Sustainability, Business Continuity and Emergency Planning to become the Founder of the Eth廙s Lab.

Eth廙s Lab is Black-Led STEM and culture-focused Innovation academy for youth ages 13-18 to incite curiosity, build community, and promote personal growth and development in a rapidly changing world.

With in-person workshops, a physical co-working space and an engaging, safe online community, Eth廙s Lab is a safe and accessible tech-infused environment that meets the diverse needs of youth right where they are.

Eth廙s Lab participants gain real-world problem-solving, design and innovation skills while exploring the fullest expressions of their authentic selves, making for happier, smarter kids better equipped to navigate the environment around them.

Through Eth廙s Lab she is hoping to inspire a legacy of Black leadership as well as answer the question: "What might place/Space making look like when you centre the Humanity of the Black experience?