
Derek Hansom

Courses: Sustainable Leadership: Making Change Happen

Derek has spent the last twenty years working for non-profit Aboriginal organizations. Six years of this time was dedicated to engaging Aboriginal people and communities to restructure child and family services. listening to experiences and opinions to transform the way these services could be provided. He spent another six years working with a delegated aboriginal agency in different roles. Furthering his work in Community Development, Derek completed an MBA in Indigenous Business and Leadership and has completed a number of roles and projects that enhance the capacity of the economic landscape.

Derek is an elected Councillor for Skowkale First Nation, and holds the Health, Education and Child and Family Services portfolios. Prior to his move into politics, Derek sat on the Board of Sto:lo Service Agency as part of the first non-political group overseeing the agencies operations. He currently lives on Skowkale First Nation with his wife and three young daughters.