
Study with us!

Community Economic Development (CED) is action by people locally to create economic opportunities that improve social conditions, particularly for those who are most disadvantaged. CED is an approach that recognizes that economic, environmental and social challenges are interdependent, complex and ever-changing.

We're currently on hiatus, taking some time to revisit curriculum, however, if you'd like to be on the mailing list to be notified as soon as we start up again, please sign up here

The certificate offers courses taught by experts in their fields:  in Indigenomics, Sustainable Leadership, Sustainable Development, Resilience and Co-operative Economies to name but a few; this program will give you the tools you need to create inclusive local economies; develop nourishing livelihood opportunities; build on local resources and capacities; increase community control and ownership; enhance the health of the environment; encourage community resilience or whatever it is you see as your goal for your community. Wherever that community may be.

And while it is fully online, you won't be learning in isolation; you'll get to interact with your instructors as you work your way through the recorded lectures. As well, you'll meet up with your fellow students and chat with your mentor regularly. This is about community first and foremost. You can start the program at any time and you'll enter into a community of scholars and welcome more along your journey. 

A final project weaves its way through the whole program; this is the culmination of your study and is meant to draw in all your learning into one practical capstone project; the project's goals will not be achieved during class as that is not our objective. Our aim is to develop your skills so you can continue with that project or any other after you finsih the program. 

For those without the time to take the full certificate, or just want to explore the program before commiting to entire certificate, we offer many of our courses individually. 

Do sign up and we'll keep you posted on our status. 


Here Here!

Here's what some of our alumni have to say. We could print so many more similar comments, but these two really speak to them all. And we're a little shy about tooting our own horn.