
Tasha Sutcliffe

Courses: Rural Community Economic Development

Tasha Sutcliffe has spent her life living and working in coastal BC. She has over 25 years’ experience in executive and program management and extensive expertise in natural resource and community economic development. Her work focuses on building sustainable, fair, and prosperous economies for coastal and rural communities.

Tasha recently left organizational management to build her own business as an independent consultant, and she serves as a Senior Policy Advisor at Ecotrust Canada (EC), and a member of the Fisheries Resources Reconciliation Agreement technical support team for Coastal First Nations – Great Bear Initiative. She formerly served as Vice President for Ecotrust Canada for 12 years, where she directed numerous portfolios of work including programs in community economic development, indigenous housing, social enterprise development, social finance, and for the past 10 years she has directed EC’s fisheries and marine programming.

Prior to joining Ecotrust Canada, Tasha served for nine years as the Executive Director of the Community Fisheries Development Centre (CFsDC) in Prince Rupert, BC. In that role she built partnerships amongst industry groups, government, NGO’s, businesses, and First Nations in order to develop programs to address the severe impacts from the downsizing of the wild salmon fishery. This included strategies to create alternate and new employment, new skill development, and generating new small business opportunities as well as working to revitalize the fisheries that historically provided a foundation for community wellbeing.

Tasha holds a Degree in Commerce and Entrepreneurial Management.