Links to most publications are provided, but do contact me if something is not available publicly. You can also check my.


  1. Taboada, M. (2004) . Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 1 58811 563 1.
    • Reviewed in: , , , ,

Edited Books and Journals

  1. Maruenda Bataller, S., Palau Sampio, D. and M. Taboada (eds.) (2021) The Discourses of Gender, Violence and Social Inequality in the Era of Digital Communication. Special issue of the journal 26.
  2. Benamara, F, D. Inkpen and M. Taboada (eds.) (2018) Language in Social Media: Exploiting discourse and other contextual information. Special Issue of .
  3. Taboada, M., I. da Cunha, E.G. Maziero, P. Cardoso, J.D. Antonio, M. Iruskieta (2017) . Association for Computational Linguistics.
  4. Taboada, M. and R. Trnavac (eds.) (2013) . Leiden: Brill.
  5. Taboada, M., S. Doval and E. González (eds.) (2013) . London: Equinox. (Reprint of the special issue below). ISBN: 9781908049759.
    • Reviewed in: , , , , .
  6. Taboada, M., S. Doval and E. González (eds.) (2012). Special issue of 6 (1-3).

Journal Articles

  1. Taboada, M. (to appear) Reported speech and gender in the news: Who is quoted, how are they quoted, and why it matters. .
  2. Taboada, M., C. Goddard and R. Trnavac (to appear) The 'adverb-ly adjective' construction in English: Meanings, distributions, and discourse functions. .
  3. Kolhatkar, V., N. Thain, J. Sorensen, L. Dixon and M. Taboada (2023) . 28(4). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v28i4.13163
  4. Trnavac, R. and M. Taboada (2023) . 43(2): 235-262.
  5. Rao, P. and M. Taboada (2021) . 4(82). doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.664737.
  6. Ehret, K. and M. Taboada (2021) . 4(79): 10.3389/frai.2021.643770.
  7. Cavasso, L. and M. Taboada (2021) . 4: 1-38.
  8. Asr, F.T., M. Mazraeh, A. Lopes, V. Gautam, J. Gonzales, P. Rao and M. Taboada (2021) . 16(1):  e0245533.
  9. Ehret, K. and M. Taboada (2021) The interplay of complexity and subjectivity in opinionated discourse. 23(2): 141-165.
  10. Jiménez-Zafra, S., N. Cruz-Díaz, M. Taboada and M. Martín-Valdivia (2021) Negation detection for sentiment analysis: A case study in Spanish. 27: 225-248.
  11. Gómez-González, MLA and M. Taboada (2021) 174: 96-116.
  12. Viera, C. and M. Taboada (2021) . 54(105): 277-301.
  13. Chik, S. and M. Taboada (2020) . 1(2): 143-179.
  14. Kolhatkar, V., H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (2020) . 4: 155–190.
  15. Ehret, K. and M. Taboada (2020) Are online news comments like face-to-face conversation? A multi-dimensional analysis of an emerging register. 2(1): 1-36.
  16. Goddard, C., M. Taboada and R. Trnavac (2019) The semantics of evaluational adjectives: Perspectives from Natural Semantic Metalanguage and Appraisal. 26(3): 308-342.
  17. Das, D. and M. Taboada (2019) . 24: 3-38.
  18. Asr, F. T. and M. Taboada (2019) . . January-June 2019: 1-14.
  19. Taboada, M. (2019) The space of coherence relations and their signalling in discourse. 1(2): 205-233.
  20. Pappas, P., M. Taboada and K. Alexander (2019) . 95(3): e339-e363.
  21. Benamara, F., D. Inkpen and M. Taboada (2018) 44 (4): 663-681.
  22. Das, D. and M. Taboada (2018) Signalling of coherence relations in discourse. 55(8): 743-770.
  23. Das, D. and M. Taboada (2018) RST Signalling Corpus: A corpus of signals of coherence relations. 52(1): 149-184.
  24. Thompson, J., B. Leung, M. Blair and M. Taboada (2017) 137: 149-162.
  25. Aloy Mayo, M. and M. Taboada (2017) Evaluation in political discourse addressed to women: Appraisal analysis of Cosmopolitan's coverage of the 2014 US midterm elections. 18: 40-48.
  26. Taboada, M., R. Trnavac and C. Goddard (2017) On being negative. 1(1): 57-76.
  27. Benamara, F., M. Taboada and Y. Mathieu (2017). 43(1): 201-264.
  28. Cardoso, P., M. Taboada and T. Pardo (2017) Subtopic annotation and topic segmentation for news texts. 12(1): 23–54.
  29. Cruz, N, M. Taboada and R. Mitkov (2016) A machine learning approach to negation and speculation detection for sentiment analysis. 67(9): 2118-2136.
  30. Trnavac, R., D. Das and M. Taboada (2016) Discourse relations and evaluation. 11(2): 169-190.
  31. Taboada, M. (2016) . . 2: 325-347.
  32. Trnavac, R. and M. Taboada (2016) Cataphora, backgrounding and accessibility in discourse. . 93: 68-84.
  33. Iruskieta, M., I. da Cunha and M. Taboada (2015) Principles of a qualitative method for rhetorical analysis evaluation: A contrastive analysis English-Spanish-Basque. 49 (2): 263-309.
  34. Taboada, M., M. Carretero and J. Hinnell (2014) Loving and hating the movies in English, German and Spanish. 14 (1): 127-161.
  35. Acartürk, C., M. Taboada and C. Habel (2013) Cohesion in multimodal documents: Effects of cross-referencing. . 20 (2): 98-110.
  36. Taboada, M. and D. Das (2013) Annotation upon annotation: Adding signalling information to a corpus of discourse relations. 4 (2): 249-281.
  37. Taboada, M. and C. Habel (2013) Rhetorical relations in multimodal documents. 15 (1): 59-85.
  38. Taboada, M., S. Doval Suárez and E. González Álvarez (2012) Functional and corpus perspectives in contrastive discourse analysis (Introduction to the special issue). 6 (1-3): 1-17
  39. Taboada, M. and MLA Gómez-González (2012) Discourse markers and coherence relations: Comparison across markers, languages and modalities. 6 (1-3): 17-41.
  40. Taboada, M. and M. Carretero (2012) Contrastive analyses of evaluation in text: Key issues in the design of an annotation system for Attitude applicable to consumer reviews in English and Spanish. 6 (1-3): 275-295.
  41. Trnavac, R. and M. Taboada (2012) The contribution of nonveridical rhetorical relations to evaluation in discourse. 34 (3): 301-318.
  42. Taboada, M., J. Brooke, M. Tofiloski, K. Voll and M. Stede (2011) . 37 (2): 267-307.
    • Most-cited paper for the journal Computational Linguistics, according to and to.
    • Test of Time Award from the . Citation: “This paper shows how a lexicon-based approach can be effective for sentiment analysis, and more importantly, also stable and portable across domains. Despite the current dominance of learning-based methods, lexicon-based methods for sentiment analysis keep being relevant, particularly in new domains where large training data isn’t available and where portability is crucial.”
  43. Taboada, M. (2011) Stages in an online review genre. 31 (2): 247-269.
  44. Taboada, M. and L. Wiesemann (2010) Subjects and topics in conversation. 42 (7): 1816-1828.
  45. Taboada, M. and L. Hadic Zabala (2008) Deciding on units of analysis within Centering Theory. 4 (1): 63-108.
  46. Taboada, M. (2006) Spontaneous and non-spontaneous turn-taking. 16(2-3): 329-360.
  47. Taboada, M. and W.C. Mann (2006) Applications of Rhetorical Structure Theory. 8 (4): 567-588.
  48. Taboada, M. and W.C. Mann (2006) Rhetorical Structure Theory: Looking back and moving ahead. 8(3): 423-459.
  49. Taboada, M. (2006) Discourse markers as signals (or not) of rhetorical relations. 38(4): 567-592.
  50. Taboada, M. (2004) The genre structure of bulletin board messages. 13 (2): 55-82.
  51. Lavid, J. and M. Taboada (2004) Stylistic differences in document design across languages in Europe: A cross-linguistic characterization. . 34 (1-2): 43-65.
  52. Taboada, M. and J. Lavid (2003) Rhetorical and thematic patterns in scheduling dialogues: A generic characterization. . 10 (2): 147-179.
  53. Taboada, M. (2003) Modeling task-oriented dialogue. . 37 (4): 431-454.
  54. Taboada, M. (2002) Foco y pronominalización en la lengua hablada: Una primera aproximación. Documentos de Español Actual 3-4: 173-200.

Book Chapters

  1. Asr, F.T., M. Mokhtari and M. Taboada (2023) Misinformation detection in news text: Automatic methods and data limitations. In Maci, S., M. Demata, M. McGlashan and P. Seargeant (eds.) . Routledge. 79-102.
  2. Taboada, M. (2023) Lingüística computacional y discurso: Hacia la solución de problemas reales. In I. da Cunha (ed.) . Granada: Comares. 1-15.
  3. Taboada, M. (2021) Pragmatics and discourse analysis. In J. Bruhn de Garavito and J. W. Schwieter (eds.) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 356-375.
  4. Das, D. and M. Taboada (2020) Signaling subject matter and presentational coherence relations in discourse: A corpus study. In R. Gonsalves, W. Sullivan and D. Coleman (eds) LACUS Forum 40. pp. 8-20.
  5. Trnavac, R. and M. Taboada (2020) Positive Appraisal in online news comments. In K. Mullan, B. Peeters and L. Sadow (eds.) . Berlin: Springer. 185-205.
  6. Taboada, M. (2019) Cohesion and conjunction. In G. Thompson, W. Bowcher, L. Fontaine and D. Schönthal (eds.) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.311-322.
  7. Taboada, M., M. Carretero and J. Hinnell (2016) Loving and hating the movies in English, German and Spanish. In Lefer, M.A. and S. Vogeleer.. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 127–161. (Reprint of 2014 journal article).
  8. Carretero, M. and M. Taboada (2015) The annotation of Appraisal: How Attitude and Epistemic Modality overlap in English and Spanish consumer reviews. In J. R. Zamorano (ed.), . Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. pp. 249-270.
  9. Carretero, M. and M. Taboada (2014) Graduation within the scope of Attitude in English and Spanish consumer reviews of books and movies. In Thompson, Geoff & Laura Alba-Juez (eds.) . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 221-239.
  10. Taboada, M. (2012) Los géneros discursivos: una perspectiva sistémica funcional. In Martha Shiro, Patrick Charaudeau and Luisa Granato (eds.) . Madrid: Iberoamericana. 45-67.
  11. Taboada, M. (2009) Implicit and explicit coherence relations. In J. Renkema (ed.) . Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 127-140.
  12. Taboada, M. (2008) Reference, centres and transitions in spoken Spanish. In J. Gundel and N. Hedberg (eds.) . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 176-215.
  13. Gómez-González, MLA and Taboada, M. (2005) Coherence relations in Functional (Discourse) Grammar. In J. L. Mackenzie and MLA Gómez-González. . Berne: Peter Lang. 227-259.
  14. Taboada, M. (2005) Anaphoric terms and focus of attention in English and Spanish. In C. Butler, MLA Gómez-González and S. Doval (eds.) . Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 195-216.
  15. Taboada, M. (2004) Rhetorical relations in dialogue: A contrastive study. In C. L. Moder and A. Martinovic-Zic (eds.) . Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 75-97.
    • Read a of the book in the LINGUIST List.
  16. Taboada, M. (2001) A general description for the structure of conversation: A hopeless task? In Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza (ed.) Panorama Actual de la Lingüística Aplicada: Conocimiento, Procesamiento y Uso del Lenguaje. Volumen II. Logroño: Universidad de La Rioja. 417-424.
  17. Taboada, M. (2000) Cohesion as a measure in generic analysis. In Alan Melby and Arle Lommel (eds.) The 26th LACUS Forum. Chapel Hill, N.C.: The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States. 35-49.
    • Also on line in , 3, September 2000. ISSN 1576-4737.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Canute, M., M. Jin, h. holtzclaw, A. Lusoli, P. Adams, M. Pandya, M. Taboada, D. Maynard, W. Chun (2023) Dimensions of online conflict: Toward modeling agonism. Findings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Singapore. December 2023. Also available on .
  2. Babayode, A., L. Bosman, N. Chan, K. Ehret, I. Fong, N. Harris, A. Hewton, D. Reid, M. Taboada, R. Wong (2023) Structural linguistic characteristics of podcasts as an emerging register of computer-mediated communication. Poster presented at the . Mannheim, Germany. September 2023. -- .
  3. Soumah, V-G., P. Rao, P. Eibl and M. Taboada (2023). Proceedings of the 36th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Montréal. Jun 2023.
  4. Asr, F. and M. Taboada (2018) The data challenge in misinformation detection: Source reputation vs. content veracity. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Brussels. November 2018.
  5. Kolhatkar, V. and M. Taboada (2018) A corpus for the analysis of online comments. 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. New Orleans. June 2018. Poster.
  6. Kolhatkar. V. and M. Taboada (2017) Using the New York Times Picks to identify constructive comments. , Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Copenhagen. September 2017. 100-105.
  7. Das, D., M. Stede and M. Taboada (2017) The good, the bad and the disagreement: Complex ground truth in rhetorical structure analysis. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. September 2017. 11-19.
  8. Alkorta, J., M. Iruskieta, K. Gojenola and M. Taboada (2017) Using lexical level information in discourse structures for Basque sentiment analysis. . Santiago de Compostela, Spain. September 2017. 39-47.
  9. Kolhatkar, V. and M. Taboada (2017) Constructiveness in news comments. , . Vancouver. August 2017. 11-17. Presentation slides.
  10. Hoogervorst, R., E. Essink, W. Jansen, M van den Helder, K. Schouten, F. Frasincar, M. Taboada (2016) Aspect-based sentiment analysis on the web using Rhetorical Structure Theory. In A. Bozzon, P. Cudre-Maroux and C. Pautasso (eds.) . Lugano, Switzerland. June 2016. 317-334.
    • at ICWE 2016.
  11. Benamara, F. and M. Taboada (2015) Mapping different rhetorical relation annotations: A proposal. In , collocated with the . Denver. June 2015.
  12. Trnavac, R. and M. Taboada (2014) Discourse relations and affective content in the expression of opinion in texts. In G. Kotzoglou et al. (eds), Selected Papers of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Rhodes, Greece. 1705-1715.
  13. Aloy Mayo, M., R. M. Seraj, A. P. García Varela, D. Fass, F. Popowich, A. Sarkar and M. Taboada (2014) An analysis of affective words in Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the Northwest Natural Language Processing Workshop. Seattle, WA. April 2014.
  14. Das, D. and M. Taboada (2013) Explicit and implicit coherence relations: A corpus study. In Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Victoria, Canada.
  15. Cardoso, P., M. Taboada and T. Pardo (2013) Subtopic annotation in a corpus of news texts: Steps towards automatic segmentation. Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology (STIL). Fortaleza, Brazil. October 2013.
  16. Cardoso, P., M. Taboada and T. Pardo (2013) On the contribution of discourse to topic segmentation. Proceedings of the 14th Annual SIGDial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue. Metz, France. August 2013.
  17. Konstantinova, N., S. de Sousa, N. P. Cruz, M. J. Maña, M. Taboada and R. Mitkov (2012) A review corpus annotated for negation, speculation and their scope. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Istanbul, Turkey. May 2012. pp. 3190-3195.
  18. Tofiloski, M., F. Popowich and M. Taboada (2010) Extending Centering Theory for the measure of coherence. Proceedings of the Pacific Northwest Regional NLP Workshop. Seattle. April 2010.
  19. Taboada, M., J. Brooke and M. Stede (2009) Genre-based paragraph classification for sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of 10th Annual SIGDIAL Conference on Discourse and Dialogue. London, UK. September 2009. pp. 62-70.
  20. Brooke, J., M. Tofiloski and M. Taboada (2009) Cross-linguistic sentiment analysis: From English to Spanish. In Proceedings of RANLP 2009, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. Borovets, Bulgaria. September 2009. pp. 50-54. -- Poster
  21. Tofiloski, M., J. Brooke and M. Taboada (2009) A syntactic and lexical-based discourse segmenter. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Singapore, August 2009. pp. 77-80. -- Poster -- The software is also available.
  22. Voll, K. and M. Taboada (2007) Not all words are created equal: Extracting semantic orientation as a function of adjective relevance. In Proceedings of the 20th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Gold Coast, Australia. December 2007. pp. 337-346.
  23. Murray, G., M. Taboada and S. Renals (2006) Prosodic correlates of rhetorical relations. Proceedings of Workshop "Analyzing Conversations in Text and Speech", North American Association for Computational Linguistics. New York. June 2006. pp. 1-7.
  24. Taboada, M., M. A. Gillies and P. McFetridge (2006) Sentiment classification techniques for tracking literary reputation. Proceedings of LREC Workshop, "Towards Computational Models of Literary Analysis". Genoa, Italy. May 2006. pp. 36-43.
  25. Taboada, M., C. Anthony and K. Voll (2006) Methods for creating semantic orientation dictionaries. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Genoa, Italy. May 2006. pp. 427-432.
  26. Taboada, M. and J. Grieve (2004) Analyzing Appraisal automatically. American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text. Stanford. March 2004. AAAI Technical Report SS-04-07. (pp.158-161). Download poster (pdf).
  27. Taboada, M. (2002) Centering and Pronominal Reference: In Dialogue, In Spanish. Proceedings, 6th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, EDILOG. Edinburgh. September 2002: 177-184.
  28. Taboada, M. (1997) Improving Translation through Contextual Information. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL/EACL '97. Student session. Madrid, Spain. July, 1997. 510-512.
  29. Lavie, A., Levin, L., Zhan, P., Taboada, M., Gates, D., Lapata, M., Clark, C., Broadhead, M., Waibel, A. (1997) . In Proceedings of the Spoken Language Translation Workshop, 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL/EACL '97. Madrid, Spain. July, 1997. 67-72.
  30. Lavie, A., Levin, L., Qu, Y., Waibel, A., Gates, D., Gavalda, M., Mayfield, L., and Taboada, M. (1996) . In Proceedings of the ICSLP '96, 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. Philadelphia, USA. October 1996. 177-182.


  1. Kolhatkar, V., Thain, N., Sorensen, J., Dixon, L., Taboada, M., 2020. C3: The Constructive Comments Corpus. Jigsaw and Simon Fraser University. Dataset. DOI: .
  2. Asr, F.T. and M. Taboada (2019) . A collection of news articles with 'false' and 'true' labels.
  3. Kolhatkar, V., H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (2018) . ԰AV.
    • Paper describing the corpus:   Kolhatkar, V.,H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (to appear) .
    • GitHub page, with link to download the corpus:
  4. Das, D., M. Taboada and P. McFetridge (2015) RST Signalling Corpus. . Distributed through the.
  5. Taboada, M. and L. Wiesemann (2011) ԰AV Centering Corpus. ԰AV.
  6. Taboada, M. (2008) The ԰AV Review Corpus. ԰AV.
  7. Taboada, M. and J. Renkema (2008) . Simon Fraser University and Tilburg University.

Technical Reports and Other Publications

  1. Soumah, V-G, P. Eibl, P. Rao and M. Taboada (2022) The Gender Gap Tracker System V. 6. ԰AV. April 2022.
  2. Rao, P. and M. Taboada (2020) Scalable topic modelling on a large news corpus: The Gender Gap Tracker. ԰AV. Sept 2020.
  3. Asr, F. T., M. Mazraeh, V. Gautam, J. Gonzales, A. Lopes, P. Rao and M. Taboada (2020) . Simon Fraser University. September 2020.
  4. Gautam, V. and M. Taboada (2019) Constructiveness and Toxicity in Online News Comments. Report. Simon Fraser University. November 2019.
  5. Asr, F. T., M. Mazraeh, V. Gautam, A. Lopes and M. Taboada (2019) The Gender Gap Tracker System v. 4. Simon Fraser University. June 2019.
  6. Stede, M., M. Taboada and D. Das (2017) Annotation Guidelines for Rhetorical Structure. Manuscript. University of Potsdam and Simon Fraser University. March 2017.
  7. Goddard, C., M. Taboada and R. Trnavac (2016) . School of Computing Science Technical Report ԰AV-CMPT TR 2016-42-1.
  8. Das, D. and M. Taboada (2014). RST Signalling Corpus Annotation Manual. Manuscript. Simon Fraser University. September 2014.
  9. Taboada, M., Kimberly Voll and Julian Brooke (2008) Extracting Sentiment as a Function of Discourse Structure and Topicality. .
  10. Hadic Zabala, Loreley and Maite Taboada. Centering Theory in Spanish: Coding Manual. Manuscript. Simon Fraser University. June 2006.
  11. Lavid, J. and Taboada, M. Specification of Evaluation Criteria for Text Quality: Preliminary Report on Some Relevant Issues. GIST (Generating InStructional Text) Internal Report INT-12. September 1994.
  12. Taboada, M. Theme Markedness in English and Spanish: A Systemic-Functional Approach. Manuscript. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. May 1995.


  1. Taboada, M. (January 2001) Collaborating through Talk: The Interactive Construction of Task-Oriented Dialogue in English and Spanish. Ph.D. dissertation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    • Title in Spanish: La Colaboración a través de la conversación: Construcción interactiva de diálogos orientados a tareas en inglés y en español. Abstract
  2. Taboada, M. (May 1997) Discourse Information for Disambiguation: The Phoenix Approach in JANUS. M.Sc. Thesis. Carnegie Mellon University.

Plenary and Invited Presentations

  1. Taboada, M. (2024) La desinformación desde el análisis computacional del discurso. Taller, "La lingüística frente a la amenaza de la desinformación". Universidad de Navarra, Spain (online). (Plenary presentation).
  2. Taboada, M. (2024) Computational evaluation: Representing and processing evaluative language. . Bochum University, Germany. February 2024. (Plenary presentation).
  3. Taboada, M. (2023) Tracking gender representation in media. . Technical University of Munich, Germany (online). (Keynote presentation).
  4. Taboada, M. (2022) Metaphors we hate by. . University of South Carolina. November 2022. (Keynote presentation).
  5. Taboada, M. (2022) All about comments: A multifaceted approach to digital discourse analysis. . St. Petersburg, Florida. May 2022. (Plenary presentation).
  6. Taboada, M. (2021) The language of harmful online content. . University of British Columbia (online). February 2021. (Plenary presentation).
  7. Taboada, M. (2020) Natural Language Processing to manage harmful content online. . Mexico City (online). December 2020. (Plenary presentation).
  8. Taboada, M. (2020) Abralin ao Vivo (online). June 2020.
  9. Taboada, M. (2020) Closing the media gender gap with big data. . Vancouver, BC. March 2020. (Keynote presentation).
  10. Taboada, M. (2019) Managing comments and misinformation online with text classification techniques. . Kingston, Ontario. May 2019. (Plenary presentation).
  11. Taboada, M. (2019) Fantastic online comments and how to find them. . Valencia, Spain. May 2019. (Plenary presentation).
  12. Taboada, M. (2017) Language and social media: Opportunities for the EAL classroom. . Vancouver, BC. November 2017. (Plenary presentation).
  13. Taboada, M. (2016) Evaluation in the round: From lexis to discourse. . Santiago de Compostela, Spain. September 2016. (Plenary presentation).
  14. Taboada, M. (2015) The space of rhetorical relations, and their signalling in discourse. , part of the . Alicante, Spain. September 2015. (Plenary presentation).
  15. Taboada, M. (2015) Appraisal, subjectivity, nonveridicality, coherence relations: Connections and overlaps. . Aachen, Germany. July 2015. (Plenary presentation).
  16. Taboada, M. (2015) Rhetorical relations are relations of coherence: What discourse coherence means, and how we can find it. . Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. January 2015. (Plenary presentation).
  17. Taboada, M. (2013) Computational linguistics and discourse. STIL - The 9th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Human Language Technology. Fortaleza, Brazil. October 2013. (Plenary presentation).
  18. Taboada, M. (2013) Contrasting opinions: Appraisal in a multilingual corpus. International Conference on Genre- and Register-Related Text and Discourse Features in Multilingual Corpora. Brussels, Belgium. January 2013. (Plenary presentation).
  19. Taboada, M. (2012) Implicit and explicit relations in discourse. Conference of the Swiss Society of Linguistics. Lugano, Switzerland. September 2012. (Plenary presentation)
  20. Taboada, M. (2009) Coherencia, cohesión, géneros: Integración de conceptos y aplicaciones prácticas. IV Argentine Colloquium of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis. La Plata, Argentina. July 2009. (Plenary presentation).
  21. Taboada, M. (2008) Implicit and explicit coherence relations. 18th Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse. Memphis, July 2008. (Invited workshop presentation).
  22. Taboada, M. and L. Hadic Zabala (2007) Subjects and topics in conversation. 10th International Pragmatics Conference. Göteborg, Sweden. July 2007. (Invited panel presentation).
  23. Taboada, M. (2003) Which referring expression? Using Centering Theory to explain reference in spoken Spanish. Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science. Vancouver. February 2003. (Invited presentation).

Op-eds and Commentary

  1. Blog post. “”. Prashanth Rao, Lucas Chambers, and Maite Taboada. Discourse Processing Lab. Nov 30, 2021.
  2. P. Rao, M. Taboada and S. Graydon. "". Poynter. October 28, 2021.
  3. M. Taboada. "". Policy Options. October 6, 2021.
  4. M. Taboada. “”. Items – Insights from the Social Sciences. September 7, 2021.
  5. Viera, C. and M. Taboada. “.” Conference Inference: Blogging the World of Conferences. May 5, 2021.
  6. M. Taboada “”. The Conversation. November 25, 2020.
  7. L. Chambers and M. Taboada “”. Canadian Science Policy Centre. November 3, 2020.
  8.  M. Taboada “Corpus linguistics, news media and social good” Newsletter of the Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics (AELINCO). February 2020.
  9. Gautam, V. and M. Taboada. “”. The Tyee. November 6, 2019.
  10. M. Taboada and F. Torabi Asr. “”. The Conversation. February 3, 2019.
    • Translated as "".
  11. M. Taboada "”. The Conversation. May 8, 2018.

Video Lectures and Presentations

  1. September 2023. "". CorpusCast. Online.
  2. April 2023. "". Charlas de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Online.
  3. November 2022. "". Plenary presentation, American Pragmatics Association. Columbia, SC.
  4. November 2022. . Royal Society of Canada.
  5. April 2022. "" Becarios Knowledge Day. Online.
  6. March 2022. "". Mentes Singulares. CiTIUS (Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnologías Inteligentes), Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  7. June 2021. "". ExLing (International Society of Experimental Linguistics). Online.
  8. May 2021. "". Seminario Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas. UNED, online.
  9. December 2020. "". CORE Congress, Mexico City and online.
  10. June 2020. "". Abralin Ao Vivo. Online.
  11. March 2020. "". Women in Data Science. Vancouver.
  12. December 2019. "". Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology. ԰AV
  13. May 2019. "". Data Visionaries Series. ԰AV, Vancouver.
  14. April 2019. "". ԰AV Public Square Community Summit, Vancouver.
  15. April 2019. " ԰AV.
  16. November 2017. "". BC Teal Conference. Vancouver.
  17. September 2016. "". CiTIUS (Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnologías Inteligentes). Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  18. December 2015. "". Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid.
  19. November 2015. "". Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid.