
  • February 2024
    I gave a plenary presentation at the conference of the German Linguistics Society() on "Computational evaluation".

    Maite giving a talk
  • December 2023
    Our paper on data and methods to detect 'fake news' and misinformation just appeared in the Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation: 
    - Asr, F.T., M. Mokhtari and M. Taboada (2023) Misinformation detection in news text: Automatic methods and data limitations. In Maci, S., M. Demata, M. McGlashan and P. Seargeant (eds.) . Routledge. 79-102.
  • November 2023
    Paper accepted! Work with the on conflict in online conversations:
    - Canute, M., M. Jin, h. holtzclaw, A. Lusoli, P. Adams, M. Pandya, M. Taboada, D. Maynard, W. Chun (2023) Dimensions of online conflict: Toward modeling agonism. Findings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Singapore. December 2023. Also available on .
  • September 2023
    Katharina Ehret and I were interviewed by Robbie Love, of the wonderful :
    - "". CorpusCast. Online.
  • June 2023
    NEW! Paper on the Radar de Parité, a tool to analyze gender representation in French news stories:
    - Soumah, V-G., P. Rao, P. Eibl and M. Taboada (2023). Proceedings of the 36th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Montréal. Jun 2023.

  • April 2023
    I gave a talk on the Gender Gap Tracker at the online series organized by the Spanish Society for NLP. Video is available:
    - ""
  • January 2023
    I have been interviewed by several Spanish media about my research on toxicity online.
    - , El Confidencial
    - , El Mundo
    - , El Periódico de Catalunya
  • September 2022
    I am a newly elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
    - ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV announcement
  • July 2022
    I am !!
  • July 2022
    New section of the publications page, with Video lectures and presentations that I have done over the years and that you can still find online.
  • June 2022
    New NSERC Discovery Grant "Natural language processing for detecting toxic, abusive, and hateful language online". Read all about it in the .

  • June 2022
    New funding from OBVIA to carry out . I'm looking forward to a collaboration with colleagues at Université Laval!

  • March 17, 2022
    produced by where Senén Barro, Pablo Gamallo and I discuss language technology (in Spanish).

  • February 16, 2022
    A summary of our contributions on the Gender Gap Tracker:
    1. Dashboards and code:
    • - Main dashboard with summary results: .
    • - Research dashboard with text analyzer and topic modelling results:
    • - Code:
    2. Op-eds and commentary:
    • - P. Rao, L. Chambers and M. Taboada. "". Blog post. November 30, 2022.
    • - P. Rao, M. Taboada and S. Graydon. "". Poynter. October 28, 2021.
    • - M. Taboada "". The Conversation. November 25, 2020.
    • - M. Taboada and F. Torabi Asr. “â€. The Conversation. February 3, 2019. (Translated as "".)
      3. Academic papers:
    • - Rao, P. and M. Taboada (2021) . Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence – Language and Computation 4(82). doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.664737.
    • - Asr, F.T., M. Mazraeh, A. Lopes, V. Gautam, J. Gonzales, P. Rao and M. Taboada (2021) PLoS ONE 16(1): e0245533.
  • October 28, 2021
    Op-ed on the Gender Gap Tracker and its third birthday:
    • - P. Rao, M. Taboada and S. Graydon. "". Poynter.   October 28, 2021.
  • October 6, 2021
    Op-ed on online toxicity,  in Policy Options, the digital magazine of the Institute for Research on Public Policy:
    • - M. Taboada. "". Policy Options. October 6, 2021.
  • September 7, 2021
    Op-ed on the language of fake news, in Items, the journal of the Social Sciences Research Council:
    • - M. Taboada. “â€. Items – Insights from the Social Sciences. September 7, 2021.
  • August 2021
    Our paper received the !!!

    The paper: Taboada, M., J. Brooke, M. Tofiloski, K. Voll and M. Stede (2011) . 37 (2): 267-307.

    The Test of Time Award recognizes "papers that have had long-lasting influence on the field of Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics."

    Citation, from the video of the award ceremony: “This paper shows how a lexicon-based approach can be effective for sentiment analysis, and more importantly, also stable and portable across domains. Despite the current dominance of learning-based methods, lexicon-based methods for sentiment analysis keep being relevant, particularly in new domains where large training data isn’t available and where portability is crucial.â€

  • June 2021
    An update on our project about online news comments. Three more papers (#8, #9, and #10  below) on news comments and a summary of our findings:
    1. Raw data
      • - Kolhatkar, V., H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (2018) . Simon Fraser University. 
      • - GitHub page, with link to download the corpus:
    2. Paper describing the raw data (with small annotations)
      • - Kolhatkar, V., H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (2020) . Corpus Pragmatics 4: 155–190.
    3. Annotated data (12,000 comments), in collaboration with
      • - Kolhatkar, V., Thain, N., Sorensen, J., Dixon, L., Taboada, M., 2020. C3: The Constructive Comments Corpus. Jigsaw and Simon Fraser University. Dataset. DOI: .
    4. Paper describing the large-scale annotation
    5. Register analysis: Are news comments like conversations? (tl;dr: NO)
    6. Subjectivity analysis: How complex are news comments vs. opinion articles? (tl;dr: it's complex)
    7. Constructiveness and toxicity across 3 newspapers:
      • - Op-ed. Gautam, V. and M. Taboada. 2019. “â€. The Tyee.
    8. NEW!!! Register analysis, again. If not like conversation, what are comments like? (Answer: a hybrid register):
      • - Ehret, K. and M. Taboada (2021) . 4(79): 10.3389/frai.2021.643770.
    9. NEW!!! Appraisal analysis. Comments are very negative. They tend to express evaluation as Judgement or Appreciation (rather than Affect).
      • - Cavasso, L. and M. Taboada (2021) . J 4: 1-38.
    10. NEW!!! Concessive relations in comments. Concessions have an interpersonal function and are used for evaluation and argumentation, especially in constructive comments.
      • - Gómez-González, MLA and M. Taboada (2021) 174: 96-116.
    We have learned a lot about online news comments. Mostly, that they are very complex and more like essays than casual conversation.
  • May 2021
  • January 29, 2021
    Gender Gap Tracker paper now published:
    - Asr, F.T., M. Mazraeh, A. Lopes, V. Gautam, J. Gonzales, P. Rao and M. Taboada (2021) 16(1): e0245533.
    Our findings:
    1. In 2 years of Canadian news media, the percentage of women quoted is regularly below 30%
    2. Women authors quote more women
    3. Politicians dominate in the news
    4. NLP can help us find these patterns in data

  • January 8, 2021
    We have been working for almost 3 years now on a project analyzing the gender gap in Canadian media. We have created a  with overall statistics and a analyzing topics and top-quoted sources. We can also now share the great news that a research paper on the Gender Gap Tracker has been accepted for publication:
    - Asr, F.T., M. Mazraeh, A. Lopes, V. Gautam, J. Gonzales, P. Rao and M. Taboada (to appear) .
  • November 25, 2020
    Op-ed on women quoted during COVID-19:
    - . The Conversation. November 25, 2020.
  • November 3, 2020
    Op-ed by Lucas Chambers and Maite Taboada on media coverage of elections:
    - . Canadian Science Policy Centre. November 3, 2020.
  • September 2020
    The lab has been busy analyzing online news comments. Here, all in one place, are the papers and the data that we have produced:
    1. Raw data
      • - Kolhatkar, V., H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (2018) . Simon Fraser University.
      • - GitHub page, with link to download the corpus:
    2. Paper describing the raw data (with small annotations)
      • - Kolhatkar, V., H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (2020) . Corpus Pragmatics 4: 155–190.
    3. Annotated data (12,000 comments), in collaboration with
      • - Kolhatkar, V., Thain, N., Sorensen, J., Dixon, L., Taboada, M., 2020. C3: The Constructive Comments Corpus. Jigsaw and Simon Fraser University. Dataset. DOI: .
    4. Paper describing the large-scale annotation
    5. Register analysis: Are news comments like conversations? (tl;dr: NO)
    6. Subjectivity analysis: How complex are news comments vs. opinion articles? (tl;dr: it's complex)
    7. Constructiveness and toxicity across 3 newspapers:
      • - Op-ed. Gautam, V. and M. Taboada. 2019. “â€. The Tyee.
    We have learned a lot about online news comments. Mostly, that they are very complex and more like essays than casual conversation.
  • March 2020
    Discourse Lab member Fatemeh Torabi Asr just won the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV President’s Emerging Thought Leader Newsmaker of the Year Award for 2019!
    You can read the about her award, and she wrote about her research on misinformation and fake news, which has reached almost 69,000 reads.
  • March 2020
    Presentation at the in Vancouver, discussing the .
  • February 2020
    I am part of a project funded by to study and counter abusive language online, with Wendy Chun of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as PI.
  • February 2020
    I wrote a for the newsletter of the . I argue that much of corpus linguistics can be thought of as 'research for good'.
  • January 2020
    I am Acting Associate Dean, Research & International in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
  • December 2019
    Featured on the
  • November 2019
    We analyzed more than 1.5 million comments from 3 news organizations. We found more constructive comments than we expected, that toxicity happens equally across topics and that some news outlets have better commenters than others. The full story:
    - Gautam, V. and M. Taboada (2019) . Report. Simon Fraser University. November 2019.

    We also published a short version as an op-ed for The Tyee:

    - Gautam, V. and M. Taboada. . The Tyee (online). November 6, 2019.
  • November 2019
    , has been available online for a while. Now the paper describing it is also online:
    - Kolhatkar, V.,H. Wu, L. Cavasso, E. Francis, K. Shukla and M. Taboada (to appear) . .
  • September 2019
    Our paper on writing-intensive instruction in linguistics classes is now out! Available for free:
    - Pappas, P., M. Taboada and K. Alexander (2019) . 95(3): e339-e363.
  • September 2019
    I am participating in a project that studies online abuse against candidates in the 2019 Canadian federal election:
    PIs: Heidi Tworek, Chris Tenove, University of British Columbia
  • August 2019
    Discourse Processing Lab postdoc Fatemeh Torabi Asr publishes .
    - Discussed in this .
    - Reprinted by , by , by , by , by .
  • June 2019
    You can hear me discuss the Gender Gap Tracker in Spanish, gracias a
    Or read the article in .
  • June 2019
    The Peak, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's newspaper, wrote that mentions my poster presentation on work with Rada Trnavac and Cliff Goddard.
  • May 2019
    Paper on data quality for misinformation detection now available, open access:
    Asr, F.T. and M. Taboada (2019) . January-June 2019:1-14.
    - Paper too long to read? There's a !
  • March 2019
    We just had a paper accepted on our fake news project!
    Asr, F.T. and M. Taboada (to appear) Big data and quality data for fake news and misinformation detection. .
  • March 2019
    Attending the . You can check out .
  • March 2019
    I'll be conferencing quite a bit in May and June:
    - (Valencia, Spain)
    - (Kingston, Ontario)
  • March 2019
    Two presentations about joint work with colleagues during in Vancouver: 
    - Goddard, C., M. Taboada and R. Trnavac (2019). The English [adverb-ly adjective] construction: Classification and distribution across corpora and registers. CLA, Canadian Linguistics Association.
    - Ehret, K. and M. Taboada (2019) Describing registers on the web: complexity and subjectivity in online comments and opinion articles. CAAL, Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics.
  • February 2019
    I attended the launch of the in Ottawa. This was a fabulous event with and Dr. Joy Johnson, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's VP Research, hosted by Shari Graydon of .
    The , developed within my lab with Informed Opinions, monitors the proportion of women and men quoted in news stories in mainstream Canadian media (in English).
    We had great media coverage for this event. You can check the Conversation piece for an explanation of the tracker, and see all the other media mentions:
    - (The Conversation)
    - (The Toronto Star)
    - (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV News)
    - (Ottawa Citizen and Montreal Gazette)
  • January 2019
    A about my research, especially on sentiment analysis.
  • November 2018
    First publication out of our 'fake news' project:The data challenge in misinformation detection: Source reputation vs. content veracity. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Brussels. November 2018.
  • September 2018
    I am in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • June 2018
    in a Global TV News story about IBM's new debating system.
  • May 2018
  • May 2018
    I did some radio interviews after my on trolls in online news comments:
    - CKNW in Vancouver,
    - CHQR in Calgary,
  • May 2018
    in The Conversation about our research on online news comments. Trolls, toxicity and construtive conversations.
  • May 2018
    The Discourse Processing Lab participated in the . We did demos of two systems: content moderation and fake news detection. on our lab page.
  • May 2018
    I'm part of a panel discussing the documentary , about content moderation in social media.
  • April 2018
  • January 2018
    We have just released the , and submitted a describing it.
  • November 2017
    Keynote at the . See a .
  • October 2017
  • October 2017
    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV FASS News story: in our lab.
  • September 2017
    Two new postdocs join the : and . Welcome!
  • September 2017
    A few recent papers:
    - Constructiveness in news comments at the Workshop on Journalism and NLP in EMNLP 2017
    - Underspecification in RST, RST Workshop
    - Sentiment and RST in Basque, RST Workshop
    - Toxicity in video game chat, Knowledge-Based Systems
    Pdfs in the publications page.
  • September 2017
    As part of a project on evaluating rhetorical structure annotations, we have developed .
  • May 2017
    Paper accepted at the Abusive Language Online Workshop:
    Kolhatkar, V. and M. Taboada (2017) Constructiveness in news comments. , . Vancouver. August 2017.
  • May 2017
    I'm teaching a new course in the fall: The Language of Social Media
  • Apr 2017
    : Special Issue of on "Language in Social Media: Exploiting discourse and other contextual information". Deadline: October 15th, 2017.
  • Mar 2017
    : Paper with Rada Trnavac and Cliff Goddard in the new journal
  • Mar 2017
    for the . Deadline: June 9, 2017. Please consider submitting a paper!
  • Dec 2016
    New website of the
  • Oct 2016
    joins the Discourse Processing Lab.
  • Sept 2016
    at the International Workshop on Discourse Analysis ()
  • Jul 2016
    New paper with Farah Benamara and Yannick Mathieu on sentiment analysis, beyond bags of words. To appear in Computational Linguistics. Pre-print available from my publications page.
  • Jul 2016
    at .
  • Apr 2016
    I am hiring a .
  • Feb 2016
    I have created a web page and posted a template to facilitate editing tasks in Microsoft Word, especially for linguists.
  • Oct 2015
    I am now Associate Editor for the journal . Please consider submitting relevant work.
  • Sep 2015
    Talk at the, part of the , in Alicante, Spain.
  • July 2015
    now available through the LDC.
  • July 2015
    Plenary at thein Aachen, Germany.
  • June 2015
    Between July and December 2015 I will be on study leave, visiting the at the . If you need a postal address, please get in touch. I'll check my email semi-regularly.
  • Jan 2015
    Plenary talk at the in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.