

The Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle is a 10 minute walk from Waterfront Skytrain Station. If you are driving, the hotel has an underground parkade. Parking rates are below.



Weekday Rates
First Half Hour $3.75
Hourly $7.50
All Day (until 6pm) $28.00
Evening (from 5:50pm) $12.00
Three Hours Before Evening (until 1am) $28.50
Two Hours Before Evening (until 1am) $21.00
One Hour Before Evening (until 1am) $13.50
Overnight (11pm to 8am) $15.00


Weekend Rates
Weekend Flat Rate                                           $7.00 


Travel bursaries may be available for those coming from outside the lower mainland of BC. Email creating_connections@sfu.ca for more information.