
Funding Partners

WWEST Funding Partners Program

The WWEST Funding Partners program brings together training, resources and funding to support both established and un-established community organizations that are undertaking activities to promote outreach, recruitment and retention for girls, young women and industry professionals in engineering, science and technology. The intention of the funding is to help establish or expand programs, and it is expected that projects have matching funds from other sources, and a plan for continuation after Funding Partners funding ends. Projects will only be funded once. Organizations may apply for a 1 year grant of up to $­­­­5000 for new projects. The overall funding pool is limited, so it is anticipated that we may not be able to fund all projects, or may not be able to fund projects at the requested level. If receiving less funding than you applied for will cause the project to be cancelled or significantly modified, please include details in your proposal.

Applications Currently Closed

To receive updates regarding the funding program, please join the mailing list .


To be eligible to receive funds, an organization must either be a non-profit organization with a registration that is recognized in the BC/Yukon Region, or an educational institution. If your group does not meet either set of criteria, we suggest partnering with another group with similar goals who does. We are unable to transfer funds to groups that do not meet these guidelines. Please note that the WWEST and eng-cite Funding Partners program generally supports programs with a broad impact. Funding for teams, participation in conferences, and other individual pursuits is generally not available unless there is a broader impact. We are also unable to fund endowments.

Criteria for Selection

·         The need for the project, including geographic and sector considerations;

·         The impact the project will have and the number of people affected;

·         The sustainability of the project after the funding ends, including organizational capacity;

·         Organizational readiness for the funding;

·         Appropriate plans for how the project will be meaningfully measured and plans for dissemination of results;

·         Other factors may be considered to ensure diversity in funded applications.

Project funding will be based on recommendations from a review committee.

How to Apply

  • Complete the abstract form available as [.docx] or [.pdf], and submit it to wwestp@sfu.ca by 5pm, on September 27, 2019. A accepted abstract does not imply full funding.
  • All applicants will be requested to send delegates to the Community Partners workshop October (Date TBD) where WWEST team will provide feedback on your application. Travel subsidies are available for those from outside the Lower Mainland, please contact wwest_partners@sfu.ca
  • Following the Community Partners Workshop please submit the full application package, available as [.docx] or [.pdf] as well as the budget form [.xlsx] by November 15, 2019 by 5pm.
  • WWEST will announce funding decisions by December 9, 2019.

Thank you to eng-cite for helping us fund even more projects from 2015 to 2019.