
About Creating Connections


Previous Conferences:

Click for photos from Creating Connections 4.0.

Creating Connections is a biennial conference that includes presentations and workshops surrounding issues of personal and professional development, networking and inspiration. The Creating Connections conference series hopes to facilitate meaningful dialogue surrounding the participation of women and other underrepresented groups in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) in BC and the Yukon.

Increasing gender diversity in STEM and creating an engaged community of individuals that respect each other will better prep STEM industries to create sustainable solutions and developments that better humanity and our world. Previous Creating Connections conferences have resulted in immediate, statistically significant positive changes for both participant’s occupational self-efficacy and their awareness of the value of gender diversity. 

Please be advised that photographs will be taken at the event for use on the WWEST website, Creating Connections marketing materials and other WWEST publications. By entering this event, you consent to WWEST photographing and using your image and likeness. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, please email creating_connections@sfu.ca.

For more information about Creating Connections, please see our Contact Us page.

Creating Connections 5.0 General Chair:

Dr. Lesley Shannon
Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Option Chair
School of Engineering Science
NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC/Yukon)

Creating Connections 5.0 Staff:

Conference Manager:
Danniele Livengood
WWEST Manager

Conference Coordinator:
Jenna Anderson

Creating Connections 5.0 Planning Committee:

Dr. Sheryl Staub-French,  & 
Renee Leboe, 
Anna Stukas, 
Anja Lanz,  & 
Dr. Jennifer Gardy, 
Lianna Mah, 
Marita Luk, 
Dr. Yvonne Coady,