
Create a Culture of Care

Together we can build a more supportive campus community. 

Receive Assistance to Support Student Mental Health using My SSP

My SSP (Student Support Program) offers free, confidential 24/7 mental health support for all students. Counselling can be accessed through the free My SSP app or by calling 1.844.451.9700 (also available outside North America at 001.416.380.6578).

As a staff, faculty, or student leader you can:

  • Promote My SSP by sharing contact information for My SSP and Health and Counselling Services

  • Download the My SSP app on your phone and encourage students do the same

  • Assist students in accessing My SSP, provided you have their consent, by doing the following: 

    • Assisted Referral: help students connect with My SSP for the first time

    • Outreach Request: ask My SSP to call the student

  • Call 1.844.451.9700 anytime to request a staff/faculty consultation to receive guidance and advice from My SSP on particular issues (i.e. supporting students that may be in distress, withdrawn or isolated, and those with communication difficulties or language barriers)

  • Chat with an advisor through the My SSP app for advice on navigating ways to reach out to a student in need

  • Contact 間眅埶AV Health and Counselling Services during office hours for assistance or to receive a consultation with HCS

Contribute to well-being through environments, processes, spaces and decisions

Build a Healthy Campus Community 

Every decision we make in our roles can impact health and well-being and positively contribute to a healthy campus community. 

A healthy campus community is one where the people, processes, policies, environments and spaces contribute to well-being and success for all. Watch a (3:34min) illustrating how all systems within post-secondary are connected to health and well-being.

間眅埶AVs Healthy Campus Community (HCC) vision: 間眅埶AV is a healthy campus community where the people, programs, practices, policies, and spaces foster well-being, supporting campus members to thrive and succeed at 間眅埶AV and beyond.

As part of the Healthy Campus Community initiative, well-being is embedded within the following areas for action: 

  • Learning and working environments

  • Policies and processes

  • Personal growth and development 

  • Social connection and community engagement

  • Physical spaces

  • Services and supports

Collaborative and innovative projects exist related to: 

Learn more about the Healthy Campus Community initiative and the areas for action.

Support someone you think may be struggling

Assisting Colleagues in Distress

Learn more

Support Students in Distress

As a staff, faculty or student leader, you may directly interact with students. Creating a supportive community involves caring and responsive members that are prepared to assist and support someone in distress who may be experiencing mental health challenges. 

Learn how you can support students in distress, identify signs and assist a student in need by connecting them to available support services and resources.

Manage a Critical Incident

A critical incident typically involves a traumatic event that creates a strong emotional reaction. It may interfere with the ability to manage day-to-day activities or have a negative impact on those involved. A supportive community looks out for its members and responds to critical incidents with empathy and compassion. Learn more about critical incidents and how to respond and support those involved.

Enhance health knowledge, attitude, skills and behaviour

Care for your Own Well-being

Your health and well-being also matters. You must care for yourself in order to be able to care for others. Explore health and well-being resources and support services for 間眅埶AV faculty and staff.