

One major, endless possibilities:

If you want to become a teacher, or are already teaching and want to acquire new skills, then you will be interested in these programs. Study in the Professional Development Program, the Professional Linking Program, or the Professional Qualification Program.

For more information, visit the website.

Skills You Will Develop

You will acquire specific knowledge and competencies during your program of study. While the skills and knowledge may be directly applicable to your major, your other skills – research, project management, team work, and problem solving – for example, are valuable skills that you can transfer to a wide range of careers depending on what you want to do and what is important to you. 

Your skill set and knowledge is not limited to your course work or academic experiences. Remember to take into account the skills that you’ve gained outside the lecture hall or seminar room -- through your work experiences, volunteering, extra-curricular and leisure activities. There are hundreds of student clubs and leadership opportunities supported by  and . Check out other .

What are the Career Possibilities?

Did you know, that only about two percent of adults claim to be working in the occupation they planned when they were eighteen years old (Krumboltz, Levin, 2004)?  Your future career is going to be influenced by many factors – the economy, political events, technology and chance occurrences – some of which you have no control over. In addition to investigating some of the common careers associated with your major (see the list below) why not look beyond your major and open yourself up to other possibilities.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and some of these careers require further education and/or training/designations or experience.

Potential Work Environments

You can advance your career in any work environment because you can build skills, gain experience and develop networks in a variety of settings, and locations. What if you are unable to land a position in your preferred career in your work place of choice? What else could you do and where could you add value to your potential career? You need not always aim for big corporations or government departments. Consider working in small to medium business and non-profit organizations. Your experience may help you get a clearer view of your preferred future, and along the way you are likely to acquire some interesting experience.

Work Environments

  • Academic Institutions
  • Arts and Cultural Organizations
  • Business
  • Consulting
  • Film, Television and Radio
  • Government
  • Journalism
  • K - 12 Education Sector
  • Marketing and Public Relations

Related Professional Associations and Sites of Interest

Professional associations are a valuable resource for occupational research, and work search. The professional associations cited here may also offer career information, job boards, networking opportunities, and volunteer opportunities. They are invaluable in your career exploration in that they allow you to access a myriad of resources and publications, and link you to other sites of interest. Take action, do some research on these associations, and consider joining a professional organization.  You never know who you might meet or where the affiliation might lead.

Associations & Sites of Interest

Career Development and Work Search Resources

At any given time, anywhere between 70-80 percent of work is not advertised. There is more to a job search than searching for work in online databases. You'll want to research potential employers, read about job trends in specific careers and identify specific organizations where you want to work.

In the meantime, what follows is a short list of websites where you may begin to explore the range of current job opportunities. If you want help with your work search visit Career Services and make an appointment to see a career advisor.

Occupational & Career Information

Whether you know what you want to do or you haven't yet made up your mind, you should take action to increase the odds of making choices that will benefit you. To help you get started, click the link below to learn about your "dream" career and other careers you may want to consider. Who knows, while exploring these resources you may broaden your knowledge about what's out there and open the door to other career possibilities. What you'll notice is that there is no one plan rather a range of options.

Wondering Where Your Degree Might Lead You?

Career Advisors and Career Peer Educators help students reach their goals through on-on-one advising, workshops, in-class presentations and career events and fairs. We also bring employers on campus.

Test drive your career options by alternating your study semester with paid work semesters in your intended field. Co-op students graduate with a year or more of experience, contacts and a resume that shines.

Volunteering and getting engaged in the community are excellent ways to meet interesting people, get great experience, develop or gain skills, help the community, or further an important cause.

An award-winning educational resource for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV students, the OLC combines blogs, profiles, multimedia, dynamic learning resources and more for the career-minded student.