



  • Communicate ideas clearly and efficiently in a variety of mediums through listening, clarifying, and responding comprehensively
  • Read critically and write persuasively with a comprehensive knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
  • Share information using a range of information and communications technologies


  • Communicate ideas clearly and efficiently in a variety of mediums through listening, clarifying, and responding comprehensively
  • Read critically and write persuasively with a comprehensive knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
  • Share information using a range of information and communications technologies



Problem Solving and Critical Analysis

  • Use critical thinking skills to evaluate and solve problems, demonstrating the ability to be creative and innovative in identifying solutions
  • Analyze complex textual and cultural phenomenon 
  • Develop critical observations and attention to detail


  • Gather information and use information resources
  • Conduct and explain research results

Interpersonal Abilities and Teamwork

  • Establish good relations with the people you work with as well as respecting individual differences
  • Work well with people from diverse backgrounds
  • Work effectively within a group, demonstrating leadership
  • Monitoring the success of a project and identifying ways to improve it


  • Organizing ideas and materials in an effective way
  • Design, plan, organize and implement projects and tasks within an allotted timeframe

Citizenship and Global Perspective

  • Integrates an awareness of how social, organizational, and global issues are inter-related with individual and local concerns


  • Think and write creatively 
  • Lead and participate in discussions
  • Effectively convey arguments and opinions and encourage independent and creative thought

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