


Do you know: 75% of hiring managers look at LinkedIn profiles to learn about candidates​? LinkedIn is a useful tool for exploring your future career goals and building connections with those who are in the field you are aiming to work in or even the position you are applying for in the future. It is also a useful platform for conducting your own work search and finding various positions and applying for them.

Profile Picture

  • Profiles with a photo get an average of 21 times more views compared to profiles with no photo. 

  • The photo should be you alone, from shoulders up, smiling, with a neutral background.

  • Your profile photo makes your first impression to the recruiter, and helps recruiters remember your face and who you are and allows them to potentially recognize you from an event you attended.

Writing Your Headline

  • Headlines are either a title or position that best describes the type of job you are looking for. We recommend these one-liners to have an impact in stating what you aspire to be.

  • Example #1: Research Assistant | Camp Instructor | Career Peer Advisor | Psychology BA Candidate

  • Example #2: Software Development | Aspiring Software Engineer - Java, PHP, C++, JavaScript

Writing A Summary

  • The summary section on your LinkedIn profile, also known as an ’About’ section is where employers get to know you quickly. It is like a pitch to the employer about you. 

  • Objective: for employers to quickly get to know you, for you to connect your interests and values to your industry of interest, should be concise and captivating. 

  • Things you can mention: Strengths & Assets, Personal Qualities & Natural Interests, Possibilities, Desires and Influences. 


For ‘Strengths & Assets’, ’strength’ refers to the skills and knowledge that you want to use, and your assets refer to your educational background, credentials and experiences.

‘Personal Qualities & Natural Interests’ refers to your personality and how others describe you, and your natural interest means your passions and evolving identity.

‘Possibilities’ categorizes what you want to explore or things you are curious about in your career journey.

‘Desires’ means what you want more of in life or your career.

‘Influences’ talks about your relationships, people in your life, and media you follow that influences your life.


  • Education is the foundation of your career and just by indicating your education you can gain 10 times more views on average. You can add your school, major, degree, and certificates to your profile.

  • You can view how many alumni work in the company you are interested in applying for and make connections with them. 


  • Projects are also of value on your profile. These can be any group projects done in your courses or in your volunteering or work.

  • You can add media to your project section and that will show up if you click the ’see project’ button we see there on top of the project descriptions.


  • Experience shows that a profile with two or more positions are 36 times more likely to be found by recruiters. You can List your internships, summer jobs and part-time jobs, co-op, and describe what you accomplished.

  • People usually include a short description of the experience just like their resume, it can give the audience a better idea about what you have accomplished and whether those experiences would help you master the opportunities you seek.


  • Volunteer experience is just as valuable as any paid experience so you can definitely add it to your profile! About 41% of hiring managers consider volunteering just as valuable.


  • Ask managers or professors or previous bosses to write a recommendation regarding your performance at work or in your courses. You can also ask your co-workers or classmates to write a recommendation regarding how it is to work with you.

  • These give extra credibility to your strengths and skills that you highlight in your summary and even in your skills section. 

  • Also, when requesting a recommendation from your boss or your classmate, be friendly and respectful and offer to write them one as well.  

Other sections (to complete your profile):

  • Interests, Causes, Publications, Languages, Honors & Awards, Licenses & Certifications, Skills & Endorsements 

  • To add these sections, you can find the ‘add profile section’ button at the top of your profile right under your name and profile photo. 

  • Check out our Resources page for additional LinkedIn guides, or contact us today to book an appointment for a one on one review.


  • Contact CVS to book your one-on-one appointment with a career peer through email (careers@sfu.ca) or call (778-782-3106) 
  • We have advising appointments for LinkedIn and Resume and Cover Letters too!

Next Steps

You can also use social media to network directly with decision makers and hiring managers, putting you in a better position when it comes to being selected for interviews. Employers seek out individuals who positively participate and engage in online communication that supports their qualifications, conveys professionalism and demonstrates a good fit for company culture. 

If you are looking to enage with potential employers online with your new profile check out our next section on Networking for tips on making new connections, or contact us to have a Career Peer review your online activity with you!