

I Want To Volunteer

Ready to put your skills to work and make a difference?

Volunteering not only lets you gain resume-building experience, it gives you the chance to make a meaningful impact as a connector, community builder and changemaker. There are many ways to get involved, so check out postings below, follow our , or make an appointment to chat with a Career Education Specialist.

Within 間眅埶AV

Remote and on-campus volunteer and paid opportunities (Getting Involved section under Opportunities)

200+ 間眅埶AV clubs - Make connections, explore personal and professional development or take on a leadership role

Support and create student-driven initiatives by joining your programs student union

Volunteer roles for educational, outdoor, sports, and/or leadership programs for youth 

Student Ambassador Program

Short-term volunteer opportunities 

Beyond 間眅埶AV

間眅埶AVs main posting site for organizations to recruit students and alumni

TD Community Engagement Centre

Surrey community initiatives and volunteer programs coordinated by 間眅埶AV staff

Volunteer opportunities from non-profits across BC

Volunteer and paid opportunities from charitable and non-profit organizations across Canada

Community-focused volunteer opportunities

Resources for volunteers including opportunities, volunteer centre directories, and the Pan-Canadian Volunteer Matching Platform

An 間眅埶AV-student run venture that connects skilled volunteers with non-profits based on causes that matter to them

Professional Associations

As a student member, build connections with professionals in your field; join a committee or volunteer for events

Additional Resources

Get Involved

Explore opportunities to get involved in various volunteer programs at 間眅埶AV

Book a 1-1 Appointment

For personalized help with your volunteer search, log onto to book an appointment with our Career Educators

Connect with us

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