


STAT-602 (Replaced with STAT 675)
Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Modelling
STAT-603 Quantitative Analysis of Research Studies
STAT-604 Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data
STAT-605 Biostatistical Methods
STAT-641 Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis-R
STAT-642 Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis-SAS
STAT-645 Applied Multivariate Analysis
STAT-650 (Replaced with STAT 603) Quantitative Analysis in Resource Management and Field Biology
STAT-652 Statistical Learning and Prediction
STAT-675 Applied Discrete Data Analysis
STAT-685 Applied Time Series Analysis
STAT-801 (No longer offered)
STAT-802 (No longer offered)
Multivariate Analysis
STAT-804 (No longer offered)
Time Series Analysis
STAT-805 (No longer offered)
Non-Parametric Statistics and Discrete Data Analysis
STAT-806 (Renumbered) Lifetime Data Analysis
STAT-811 Statistical Consulting I
STAT-812 Statistical Consulting II
STAT-830-Effective Fall 2013
Statistical Theory I
STAT-831-Effective Fall 2013
Statistical Theory II
STAT-832-Effective Fall 2013
Applied Probability Models
STAT-840-Effective Fall 2013
Statistical Genetics
STAT-841-Effective Fall 2013
Advanced Design of Experiments
STAT-842-Effective Fall 2013
STAT-843-Effective Fall 2013
Functional Data Analysis
STAT-850-Effective Fall 2013
Linear Models and Applications
STAT-851-Effective Fall 2013
Generalized Linear Models and Discrete Data Analysis
STAT-852-Effective Fall 2013
Modern Methods in Applied Statistics
STAT-853-Effective Fall 2013
Applications of Statistical Computing
STAT-854-Effective Fall 2013
Biometrics: Methods in Biomedical Studies
STAT-855-Effective Fall 2013
Lifetime Data Analysis
STAT-856-Effective Fall 2013
Longitudinal Data Analysis
STAT-857-Effective Fall 2013
Space-Time Models
STAT-870 (Renumbered)
Applied Probability Models
STAT-890 Statistics: Selected Topics
STAT-891 Seminar