
間眅埶AV STAR Institute and 411 Seniors Centre Society

July 01, 2019

間眅埶AV STAR Institute visited  in Vancouver and STAR's Director Dr. Andrew Sixsmith was interviewed for 411's . Powered by Age is a unique podcast for seniors, by seniors, that tackles issues and topics pertinent to seniors in modern life, whilst also giving them a foothold in the world of technology and most importantly lets their voices be heard.

Listen to the 411 Seniors Centre Society Podcast Series

間眅埶AV STAR found 411 to be an extremely special and vibrant community hub where people come to socialize and organize around issues important to older adults. 411 also provides countless community services and events for the older adult community in Vancouver. The podcast series project provides podcasts on a range of topics from interviews with the Executive Director of 411, , interviews with experts and academics in the areas of ageing, social and economic issues around aging, gerontology and technology, as well as storytelling sessions with senior members and poetry, meditation, to name a few.

Responses to the 411's Powered by Age podcast project from 間眅埶AV STAR staff:

"This is fantastic - exactly the kind of thing we should be thinking about. The "serious" stuff is of course important, but we need to realize that later life is about having some fun and doing some new things as well. This kind of thinking is actually not easy - it needs a creative spark and some key people that is often missing."

- , Executive Director

"This is such a brilliant project - exactly the kind of thing that makes me love being involved in this kind of work. Along with the important subject matter and conversations it is extremely rewarding to explore the playful aspects of life and later life which do not fail to impact positively. It is so cool to see communities embracing this new technology medium as a way of interacting and sharing ideas and experiences. I really look forward to hearing more, being involved in some way, and listening in."

- , Special Projects Manager

The visit marked the beginning of conversations exploring avenues for potential collaboration between 間眅埶AV STAR and 411. 411 is particularly interested in the impact of the digital divide on their members.