
Living under COVID-19 restrictions: The experiences of older adults and caregivers

June 11, 2020

To provide the research and innovation community with greater insights into the challenges of social isolation under COVID-19 restrictions, the members of created personas and scenarios (P&S) to illustrate the experiences of seniors across eight key Challenge Areas. 

A persona and scenario is a semi-fictional account that describes a person, a situation and/or problem, and potential responses to that problem or scenario. This is a well-established method used in business and technology design to help developers to visualize real-world end-users and their needs. These insights could then be used to ensure that older adults and caregivers themselves would shape research and technology responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. 

This was a joint AGE-WELL and 間眅埶AV STAR project with 間眅埶AV STAR involved in the facilitation and editing process, and design of the final report. 

Click to view full report.