
AGE-WELL Challenge Area Development Funding

April 01, 2022

STAR has received AGE-WELL Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness Challenge Area development funding for a two-year project, with STAR Director Dr. Andrew Sixsmith as Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness Challenge Area research lead. The broad aim is to stimulate and support research and innovation within the AgeTech sector, with a particular focus on the Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness Challenge Area. The key objectives of the project are the development of a Community of Practice around this Challenge Area and to look at how this can be sustained in the years to come. 

A key activity within the project will be to pull together a basic foundation for the Challenge Area, including: 
• An Environmental Scan of the Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness Challenge Area
• Development of Personas & Scenarios from stakeholders and community to illustrate problems and opportunities for AgeTech
• Briefing documents, summary reports and data (made available on the STAR Institute website) 
• A book on Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness, as part of AGE-WELL's AgeTech book sub-series, in partnership with Springer Nature