

Parking, Mobility and Vehicle Traffic


May 1, 1969

Revision Date

June 28, 2018


AD 1.03

Revision No.


1.0  Preamble

The University may from time to time establish Regulations governing parking, mobility and vehicle traffic in order to provide for the orderly movement and parking of both motorized and non-motorized vehicles.

2.0  Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to establish Regulations to govern parking, mobility and vehicle traffic at 間眅埶AV and to publish certain prohibitions against the use of non-motorized vehicles in identified locations.

The Universitys authority to establish such Regulations is set out in section 27 of British Columbias University Act (RSBC 1996] Chapter 468.

3.0  Definitions

Motor vehicle includes all vehicles propelled other than by muscular power, such as car, truck, van, motorcycle, motor scooter or motorized bicycle.

Non-motorized vehicle includes, but is not limited to, all recreational devices propelled by muscular power, such as skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, scooters and bicycles.

4.0 Policy

4.1 The University, acting under the authority provided by the University Act and as approved by its Board of Governors, establishes Regulations to govern parking, mobility and vehicle traffic.

4.2 The Regulations apply to both motorized and non-motorized vehicles.

4.3 The Regulations also prohibit the use of non-motorized vehicles in some campus pedestrian locations, including:

            4.3.1 inside buildings;

4.3.2 on loading docks, stair banisters, railings, landings, ramps, walls, sculptures, benches, interior parking areas, and other seating areas;

            4.3.3 on exterior parking areas;

            4.3.4 on athletic fields or recreational playing venues; and

            4.3.5 anywhere such activities are posted as prohibited.

4.4 Prohibited use of non-motorized vehicles also includes, but is not limited to: performing acrobatic manoeuvres, stunts, trick riding or similar movements; using excessive speed; jumping on or over steps, benches, rails, walls, or other permanent or temporary fixtures; skating or riding on access ramps for the disabled; participating in any activity which reasonably presents a risk of injury to persons or damage to property.

5.0 Scope

This Policy applies to the Burnaby campus of 間眅埶AV, unless otherwise specified, for both motorized and non-motorized vehicles, and to all campuses regarding the use of non-motorized vehicles.

6.0 Roles and Responsibilities

The day-to-day management of all Regulations set out in this Policy is the responsibility of:

Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services in relation to parking, and,

Campus Safety and Security Services in relation to traffic.

7.0 Authority

This policy is administered under the authority of the Vice President, Finance and Administration.



This Policy should be read in conjunction with the following University policies and with section 27 of the University Act (RSBC 1996] Chapter 468.

  • GP 36 University Space
  • AD 1.14 Control of University Vehicles
  • S 10.05 Student Conduct Policy


APPENDIX II: Parking Regulations


1.     Purpose

These Regulations provide for the orderly movement and parking of vehicles on the Burnaby campus.

Copies of the Regulations are available on the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services Web Page. They apply across the Burnaby campus of 間眅埶AV.

2.     Authority to Change

Parking Regulations are authorized by the Board of Governors under powers conferred by section 27 of BCs University Act. The Board of Governors reserves the right to revise the Regulations, the fees, penalty schedule, and the status of parking facilities from time to time.

The Board of Governors delegates the establishment or change of Parking Fees or other charges for the purposes of these Regulations, to the Vice-President, Finance and Administration with certain limitations. See Sec. 33 of these regulations.

3.     Publication of Information

Parking registration fees, dates and times of sales, when possible, will be published in the middle of each semester for the following semester by means of revised information on the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services web page, email notification, and display advertisement in The Peak student newspaper. Whenever possible, advance notice will be provided.

4.     Liability of 間眅埶AV

The University shall not be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to persons and/or motor vehicles, including contents, through fire, theft, vandalism, Acts of God (i.e., earthquakes, weather conditions, etc.), collision or otherwise.

5.     Liability of Parkers

For liability reasons, all motor vehicles must be properly licensed. Display a valid licence plate or temporary operators permit, and have current insurance when parking at 間眅埶AV.  Motor vehicle operators must hold a valid drivers license.  Persons found to be in violation of this requirement may be subject to legal sanctions and may be held financially liable for any damage caused to University property.

6.     General

All vehicle operators are required to comply with the Parking Regulations of the University, and are subject to the applicable charges for violations involving any vehicle registered under their parking permit. Vehicles parked in campus parking lots are removed daily and cannot be left for extended periods (i.e., beyond 24 hours) unless authorized by Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services or Campus Safety and Security Services in advance.

7.     Traffic Control

The Motor Vehicle Act, the Insurance Act and the Highways Act apply to all roads, parking areas or lots on the University. These may be enforced by the 間眅埶AV Campus Safety and Security Services Department, the 間眅埶AV Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services Department, and/or by an authorized police agency.

8.     Unauthorized Distribution of Printed Material

No person shall distribute or cause to be distributed printed material or literature by placing it on motor vehicles parked on the campus without the written permission of the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services.


9.     Registration

All motor vehicles parked on the Burnaby campus, except those parked utilizing hourly parking, must be registered with Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services and must display a valid parking permit for the area or lot in which the vehicle is parked.

The primary permit holder can register a maximum of four (4) vehicles under a parking permit. Written requests for an exception to the four-vehicle limit will be considered by the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services. The primary permit holder is responsible for all traffic offence notices written to any vehicle registered under their parking permit.

For unreserved lot spaces, only one parking permit will be issued to those persons using two or more vehicles. Only one vehicle may be parked on campus at any given time unless the second vehicle parks in an hourly parking area and the appropriate parking fee is paid.

For reserved lot spaces, more than one parking permit may be issued to those persons using two or more vehicles. Only one vehicle may be parked on campus at any given time unless the second vehicle parks in an hourly parking area and the appropriate parking fee is paid.

間眅埶AV Identification or a valid Driver's license must be produced at the time of purchasing any parking permit, changing of information, adding a vehicle to the records, or reporting a lost or stolen permit. The primary permit holder is responsible for providing and maintaining correct and accurate information to obtain parking privileges, including any changes in address or vehicle license plate information.

10.     Designation of Parking Hours

Parking is restricted 24 hours daily, including weekends and holidays. All vehicles parked on campus must either:

a)    display a valid permit, or,

b)    have paid for parking at a pay station via pay-by-license plate, or

c)     have paid for parking using the Pay by Phone system or Mobile Payments system, or,

d)    have paid for parking through an alternative means approved by the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services,

for the area in which they are parked.

Peak hours parking is defined as the period between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays. During peak hours, vehicles may only park in the area that they are designated by the parking permit paid for and/or issued, the payment made at a pay station, or the payment made via the Mobile Payments system.

During Non-Peak Hours, roaming privileges are in effect and valid permit holders may roam and park outside of the areas designated by their parking permit into other parking areas on campus. See section 16 non-peak hour parking and roaming privileges.

Hourly parking evening flat rates begin at either 4:30 pm or 7:00 pm, depending upon the location.

11.     Special Circumstances

Under special circumstances (e.g., during significant snowfalls) and/or for special events such as Convocation, an area of parking lot or traffic route may be restricted. These restrictions may include, but are not limited to: the closure of lots restricting entrance and/or exit, the authorization of general parking in reserved spaces, and any other restriction deemed necessary for the orderly movement and parking of vehicles on campus.

12.     Parking Within Parking Lots

Vehicles must be parked correctly in all parking lot spaces either within the concrete headers or other delimitation markings and shall not be parked in any way that restricts the free flow of traffic or the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians. No vehicle shall be parked in an area which is not designated for parking.

Roadway parking is prohibited unless otherwise designated.

13.     Hourly Parking

Pay parking is in effect 24 hours daily (including weekends and holidays).

Visitor Parking permits for guests are available for purchase by all 間眅埶AV departments at a reduced fee and are valid in any of the areas listed on the permit. These Visitor Parking permits can be purchased or requested through the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office.

Hourly and Daily parking rates and lot descriptions will be maintained in a schedule and listed on the Parking & Mobility Services website

14.     Permit Parking Areas

There are two types of permit parking areas on the campus:

Reserved parking areas where a permit entitles the permit holder to park in a specific assigned space, and Search parking areas where a permit entitles the holder to park in any space within the lot or area that the permit applies to, so long as the space is not designated otherwise (via sign or other means).

Permit parking rates and lot descriptions will be maintained in a schedule and listed on the Parking & Mobility Services website

15.     Reciprocal Parking (other post-secondary institutions)

間眅埶AV has reciprocal parking agreements with certain other post-secondary institutions

Faculty/Staff visiting 間眅埶AV from other post-secondary institutions, who are purchasing a valid annual parking permit from their own institution, and whose institution has a reciprocal parking agreement with 間眅埶AV, may park in any of the 間眅埶AV hourly areas free of charge. 間眅埶AV Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services maintains the reciprocal parking agreement(s) and visitors can contact 間眅埶AV Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services to determine if such an agreement exists with their institution.

間眅埶AV Faculty/Staff visiting other post-secondary institutions, who are purchasing an annual parking permit from 間眅埶AV , and who are attending another post-secondary institution with whom 間眅埶AV has a reciprocal parking agreement are required to confirm with that institution the parking rules governing the agreement.

In all case, reciprocal parking is intended only for infrequent usage such as meeting or seminars between the institutions. Reciprocal parking does not apply in regards to attending classes, employment activities, matters of a personal nature, or similar activities.

16.     Non-Peak Hour Parking and Roaming Privileges

Outside of peak hour parking any permit holder may park in any permit lot, hourly lot, or any reserved permit space on campus.

17.     Availability of Parking

When demand exceeds supply for a particular parking permit or permit area a waiting list may be put in place.

At the discretion of the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services, the sale of parking permits may be discontinued at any time.

18.     Disabled Parking

Some spaces have been designated as reserved spaces for those with physical limitations. These spaces are reserved 24 hours daily.

An 間眅埶AV permitted disabled space requires the relevant 間眅埶AV parking permit. Non-間眅埶AV permitted disabled parking spaces are intended for visitors with disabilities and both a valid disabled placard as well as proof of payment are required to park in these spaces.

19.     Residence Parking

Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services shall be responsible for the sale and management of parking in the Residence precinct with the exception that the Residence and Housing office shall be responsible for the sale of parking to students living in Residences and those students shall have priority access to purchase parking in Residence areas up until the first week of classes of each semester.

20.     Subletting of Reserved Parking Spaces

Subletting of parking spaces without the authorization of the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office will not be permitted. Members of the faculty or staff on leave from the University may make arrangements in advance for the re-assignment of their reserved space and be eligible for return of a reserved space upon their return to the University. Note that a sublet fee is applicable.

21.     Contravention of Signs or Instructions

No motor vehicle shall be parked or operated on any campus in such a manner as to contravene instructions on a traffic and/or parking sign or, instructions or directions issued by a patrol person.

22.     Duty to Obey Directions

Every person shall obey all instructions or directions concerning movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic given by the Senior Director, Campus Safety and Security Services or the Director Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services or by anyone acting under their authority.

23.     Exemption of Emergency Vehicles

Emergency vehicles are exempt from the provisions of the above-noted regulations.

Special and Temporary Parking

24.     Special Parking for Medical Reasons

A person with a medical disability requiring special accommodation/reserved parking will be given priority and in accordance with their medical needs may be accommodated within a given parking lot, however; the prevailing rate for that parking lot will apply.

Faculty, staff and registered students with temporary or permanent medical conditions are eligible for special parking. The eligibility of persons utilizing this special parking will be reviewed by Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services annually.

Persons applying to purchase this special parking must qualify by:

a.     Attending, studying or working at 間眅埶AV.

b.     Possess a valid 間眅埶AV identification number (and provide current 間眅埶AV ID card or 間眅埶AV acceptance letter when purchasing parking).

c.     Students must either be in possession of a valid Social Planning and Research Council (SPARC) permit or be assessed by staff at the Centre for Students with Disabilities, who will advise Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services of the length of time special parking is required.

d.     Faculty/staff must be assessed by the 間眅埶AV Human Resources department.

When a request for special parking under this section is denied by Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services, the individual can appeal the decision through the Parking Appeals Review Committee (PARC). See section 57 Appeals.

25.     Wheelchair Accessible Parking

Wheelchair accessible parking spaces are reserved 24 hours daily and are available from Parking & Sustainable Mobility Services.

26.     Temporary Parking

Persons who are in possession of a current permit may, while their own vehicle is being serviced or repaired, park a "courtesy car" in lieu; however the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office must be notified expeditiously.

When a parking permit is forgotten at home, holders of a current permit are eligible for a courtesy permit for the day. The Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office must be notified expeditiously. An honour system is in effect and subject to review if excessive use is noted.

27.     Temporary Permits

Temporary permits may be issued at the discretion of the Director of Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services. Such permits will be subject to the conditions stated thereon.


28.     Displaying of Parking Permits

The parking permit shall be affixed to the inside lower left hand corner (driver's side) of the vehicle's windshield. Laminated permits shall be displayed on top of the dashboard below the lower left corner (driver's side) of the windshield. Mirror hanger permits must be hung from the windshield's rear view mirror. In the case of a motorcycle or scooter the permit is to be firmly affixed to the windshield or in the absence of a windshield to such portion of the motorcycle where it can be readily inspected. The operator of the vehicle is responsible to ensure that the permit is clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle.

29.     Ownership of Parking Permits

All parking permits remain the property of 間眅埶AV. Permits are issued to an individual person and are not transferable. Permits must be removed from motor vehicles when such vehicles are sold, traded or no longer in use and returned to the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office. Where a permit is displayed on a motor vehicle other than that for which it was issued, or if it is not properly displayed as noted in section 26 above, the permit may be taken by a patrol person and returned to Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services.

A primary permit holder who transfers or re-sells their permit, along with the individual to whom the permit was transferred or sold, may be subject to fine and/or have their parking privileges suspended.

30.     Board of Governors and Senators Permit

Special parking permits will be issued to non-University members of the Board of Governors and Senate. The holder of such a permit may park in an indoor, outdoor, or hourly parking area while on University property attending to Board of Governors or Senate business.

31.     Lost, Stolen or Damaged Permits

Lost, stolen or damaged permits must be reported to Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services and subsequently may be replaced on payment of the appropriate fee. The old permit or portions thereof must be returned to Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services. If for any reason it cannot be produced, evidence of purchase in the form of a receipt must be produced or the full fee for a new permit will be charged. It is a contravention of these regulations to duplicate, deface, alter, sell, rent, exchange, or falsely declare a permit stolen or lost. Permit infractions may result in the loss of parking privileges for at least two semesters, a fine being levied, impoundment of the vehicle in violation, and/or criminal charges laid.

32.     Counterfeit Permit

It is a contravention of these regulations to display a counterfeit permit on a vehicle for the purpose of parking on campus. A person found using a counterfeit permit have their parking privileges suspended for at least two semesters, have a fine levied, have their vehicle impounded, and/or be reported to the RCMP. Students found using a counterfeit permit may be subject to discipline under University Policy S10.01 (Academic Integrity and Good Conduct).


33.     Fees and Revision of Fees

The Vice President, Finance and Administration (VPFA) is authorized to establish or change Parking Fees related to permit rates, hourly rates, parking fines, and impoundment as follows:

Annual increases would be limited to:

  • Permits
    • Inflation: up to 2%
    • Lot occupancy re-balancing needs: up to an overall net 2%.

As an example, one lot rate could increase by 5% above inflation provided another lot rate was discounted by 3%, leaving an overall change of net 2%.

  • Hourly rate increases shall not exceed $0.50/hour.
  • Parking fines and impoundment fees would be at the discretion of the VPFA.

At any time the VPFA may, subject to the restrictions listed above:

  • Vary the Hourly and Daily rate in an Hourly lot, within the range and maximums authorized by the Board.
  • Assign a parking rate or tier to a newly created lot.

Parking rates and fees will be contained in a schedule maintained by Parking & Sustainable Mobility Services and located on their website.

Prior to authorizing any establishment or change in Parking Fees, the VPFA shall consult with the Sustainable Mobility Advisory Committee (SMAC).

Any fee revisions will be communicated to the Board of Governors on an annual basis for information.

34.     Notice of Change of Fees

When possible, notice of change of Parking Fees will be published at least 30 days in advance of any fee changes by means of revised information on the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services website and will also be communicated to the broader community through, for example, email notification, social media and The Peak student newspaper, as appropriate.

35.     Posting of Fees

Parking Fees shall be posted in the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services offices and on their web page.

36.     Payment

All application and payment for campus parking permits shall be made at the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office or online when available. If the applicant is eligible at the time of application and parking space is available, a parking permit will be issued upon payment of the prescribed fee.. 間眅埶AV offers a monthly parking payroll deduction plan to continuing full-time employees and continuing part-time employees. Monthly payroll deduction information and forms are available at the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office and website.

Outstanding fees and payments may result in a hold being placed on the students University account. This may result in a student being blocked from registering for courses or receiving parchments or transcripts. It remains the students responsibility to keep their account in good standing.

37.     Refunds

Where a person has paid the appropriate fee for a parking permit, and through circumstances will not be bringing a vehicle to the campus or attending the University, a refund may be approved according to the number of days the permit was used:

  • Less than 30 days          75% of the fee (from start of semester)
  • Less than 60 days          50% of the fee
  • Less than 90 days          25% of the fee
  • Over 90 days                 No refund

It is the responsibility of all employees who participate in the parking payroll deduction plan to submit a written request for cancellation of payroll deduction to the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office when they no longer wish to hold a parking permit. This request must be submitted at least 15 calendar days prior to month end for the next deduction period. It is also the responsibility of payroll deduction customers to monitor their pay advice to ensure that the correct deduction is being made.

Parking and Traffic Restrictions

38.     Where Parking Is Prohibited

No motor vehicle shall be parked on a campus roadway, shoulder, fire lane, service lane, grassed area, building entrance, sidewalk, crosswalk, undeveloped area, adjacent to yellow curbs, or in any area or on any surface which is not designated by the University as a parking area.

This prohibition applies to all 間眅埶AV campuses.

39.     Loading Zones

No motor vehicle shall be parked in a loading zone unless it is in the process of loading or unloading and in such case it may be so parked for the minimum time required to a maximum of 15 minutes to load or unload the vehicle. No permit is required to park for up to 15 minutes. Individuals requiring more than the 15 minute time period to load/unload should contact Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services to obtain a temporary permit to allow parking in excess of the 15 minute time limit.

40.     Service Areas

No motor vehicle shall be parked in an area marked for service vehicles unless it is a University vehicle or a vehicle designated by the University as being a University service vehicle, engaged in the service, repair or maintenance of University facilities, equipment or grounds.  Non-University vehicles designated as service vehicles must meet eligibility requirements to be parked within a service area or designated service vehicle parking space and display a temporary parking permit, obtained from Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services, while parked.  Parking Fees may apply.

41.     Passenger Loading Zones

Passenger loading zones are for the purpose of loading and off loading passenger(s). No motor vehicle shall be stopped in a passenger loading zone for a period exceeding three minutes. No motor vehicle shall be left unattended in a passenger loading zone.

42.     Restricted Vehicle Access

Vehicle access to the campus pedestrian area is not permitted.  Vehicular access to the campus pedestrian area for service and maintenance vehicles must be authorized in advance by Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services, Campus Safety and Security Services, and/or Facilities Services. Emergency vehicles are exempt from this provision.

43.     Parking Motorcycles

Motorcycles and motor scooters shall be parked only in areas designated for the parking of such vehicles and must display a valid parking permit for the area parked within.

44.     Parking Bicycles

The locking of bicycles to handrails or any structure that impedes pedestrian traffic is not permitted. Securing of bicycles to handrails, stairs or any means of exit from buildings is a violation of the BC Fire Services Act and/or Occupational Health & Safety Regulations, and is prohibited. Riding of bicycles in an area not designated to be used as a roadway is strictly prohibited. Bicycles are subject to ticketing and/or impoundment for being parked in any area other than an authorized bicycle rack.  Bicycles parked in authorized locations cannot be left for extended periods (i.e., beyond 24 hours) unless authorized by Campus Safety and Security Services.

Parking of bicycles within buildings must be authorized by the appropriate dean, director, or department head and bicycles must not be placed in a manner that blocks entrance and egress routes or public ways or that constitutes a safety hazard.

45.     Non Motorized Vehicles

Use of Non-Motorized vehicles is prohibited in the following campus pedestrian locations:

  • Inside University buildings;
  • On loading docks, stair banisters, railings, landings, ramps, walls, sculptures, benches, interior and exterior parking areas, and other seating areas;
  • On athletic or recreational playing venues; and
  • Anywhere such activities are posted as prohibited.

Prohibited use includes but is not limited to:

  • Performing acrobatic maneuvers, stunts, trick riding, or similar movements;
  • Using excessive speed;
  • Jumping on or over steps, benches, rails, walls, or other permanent or temporary fixtures;
  • Skating or riding on any non-motorized vehicle on handi-cap access ramps;
  • Participating in any activity which reasonably presents a risk of injury to persons or damage to property.

46.     Trailers/Campers/Storage

No person shall park a trailer, camper or store a vehicle on campus. No person shall use a trailer, camper, or any other vehicle for sleeping or living accommodations on the campus, unless authorized by Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services.

47.     Speed Limits

The speed limit in the parking lots is 15 km/hr. The speed limit elsewhere on the campus is 30km/hr. unless otherwise posted. From time to time, speed checks will be performed by Campus Safety and Security Services and notices sent to individuals exceeding posted limits.  Provincial motor vehicle regulations may be enforced by authorized police agencies. Campus Safety and Security Services reserves the right to remove parking privileges, and privileges of operating a vehicle on campus from those individuals who repeatedly disregard campus speed limits.

48.     Traffic and Parking Signs

No person shall tamper with, destroy, damage, deface, or move any traffic or parking sign erected by the University. Any person doing so shall be liable for all costs incurred to restore and repair such signs. In addition, the matter may be reported to the RCMP.

49.     Tampering with Tickets / Citations

No person shall tamper with or remove from a motor vehicle, bicycle, or trailer, other than that of which he/she is the operator, Traffic Offence Notices, Warning Notices, or Impoundment Notices.

50.     Penalties

The University has the right to impose penalties for contraventions of these regulations. The penalties that may be imposed are as follows:

a.     confiscation of permits;

b.     restitution;

c.     fines (traffic offence notices);

d.     towing and impoundment;

e.     revoking parking privileges for a fixed period of time;

f.      banning the operation of a motor vehicle on campus for a fixed period of time;

g.     sanctions for student misconduct under Policy S 10.05.

51.     Issuance of Traffic Offence Notices / Citations

If any of these regulations are contravened, a Traffic Offence Notice (fine) may be issued by any patrol person in any of the following ways:

a.     by attaching the Traffic Offence Notice to the vehicle concerned;

b.     by handing the Traffic Offence Notice to the operator of the vehicle concerned;

c.     by handing the Traffic Offence Notice to the person who is in violation of the provisions of these regulations;

d.     by sending the Traffic Offence Notice by mail to the address of the registered owner of the vehicle concerned; or

e.     by sending the Traffic Offence Notice details by mail to the primary parking permit holder.

52.     Form of Traffic Offence Notices

All Traffic Offence Notices shall indicate the patrol person issuing the notice and shall indicate the offence for which the owner/operator is charged, the penalty in respect thereto, and when and where it must be paid.

53.     Cancellation of Traffic Offence Notices

A Traffic Offence Notice may not be cancelled or withdrawn unless it is written in error. The cancellation of a Traffic Offence Notice will only be by authorized the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services or designate.

54.     Fines

The fine for violations against the Parking Regulations will depend on the classification of violation, and is payable during regular business hours to Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services within 72 hours. A schedule of fines is available at the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services office or web page.

55.     Penalty for Failure to Pay

The primary permit holder is responsible for all Traffic Offence Notices/fines incurred against their parking permit. Failure to pay fines resulting from Traffic Offence Notices (incurred by any vehicle registered on the parking permit) may result in the impoundment of any of the vehicles registered under the parking permit. Parking permits will not be sold for subsequent semesters if there are any Traffic Offence Notices outstanding against a license number or a customer's account.

56.     Towing/Impoundment of a Vehicle

Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services may wheel-lock and/or tow any vehicle at any time if it is deemed necessary. The reason for which a vehicle may be impounded (wheel locked and/or towed) at an additional expense to the operator, include but are not limited to:

a.     obstructing the free flow of traffic;

b.     blocking movement of other parked vehicles;

c.     occupying a reserved space without the required permit;

d.     occupying a handicapped or disabled space without the required permit;

e.     parked in contravention of a sign, yellow curb, crosswalk, sidewalk or on an improved boulevard;

f.      parked on a roadway unless such parking has been authorized via signage or by the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services;

g.     parked on a roadway other than facing in the direction of traffic;

h.     parked other than in a designated space or in a manner as to occupy more than one space;

i.      displaying a forged, altered or counterfeit permit or Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) receipt;

j.      displaying a reported lost or stolen permit or parking access card.

k.     parked with three or more outstanding Traffic Offence Notices issued against said license number, vehicle, or outstanding balance in the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services parking database.

l.      causing a disturbance due to an audible device (e.g., horn, anti-theft alarm, etc.);

m.   parked on University property while under an issued parking suspension; or

n.     parked in an area other than outlined on an issued parking restriction form.

57.     Impoundment/Towing Charges

When a vehicle is towed and/or impounded for any infraction of the regulations, the owner/operator will be responsible for paying all towing, impoundment and storage charges prior to the release of the vehicle. The vehicle operator must produce, for inspection, a valid driver's license to secure the release of an impounded vehicle. All fines are payable prior to the release of a vehicle from impoundment.

Vehicles not claimed from the campus impound lot within 30 days are deemed to be abandoned.  Abandoned vehicles are subject to being towed to an off campus impoundment yard at an additional cost to the vehicle owner/operator.

58.     Fines Payable

All fines are payable in accordance with the terms indicated regardless of whether or not an appeal has been entered. The fine will be refunded if the appeal succeeds.

Outstanding fees and payments may result in a hold being placed on the students University account; this may result in a student being blocked from registering for courses or receiving parchments or transcripts. It remains the students responsibility to keep their account in good standing.


59.     Appeals

Any person wishing to dispute the issuance of a Traffic Offence Notice, other incurred penalty or Special Parking issue may submit a written appeal for consideration by the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services. The appeal should include all relevant facts pertaining to the incident/issue and normally must be submitted within 14 calendar days but in no case later than 30 days of the date of the incident or decision. The appeal will either be granted by the Director, Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services or forwarded to the Appeals Committee to review at their next regularly scheduled meeting.

60.     Composition of the Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee shall be comprised of one representative from 間眅埶AVFA, APSA, CUPE, PolyParty, TSSU, and SFSS. Quorum shall be three members. The Chair will be selected by the members.

61.     Authority of the Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee has the authority to confirm, vary or overturn any parking infraction and its associated penalty. The decision of the Appeals Committee requires a simple majority vote and is final.


62.     For the purpose of these Regulations:

abandoned means a vehicle that has not be claimed from an impoundment 30 days after being impounded

"annual permit holder means a parking permit that is purchased by Faculty/Staff for a one year period usually from Jan 1st to December 31st. Parking Payroll deduction participants are 'annual' permit holders

"appeal" means a written appeal against any penalty imposed under these regulations

"bicycle" includes all vehicles propelled by muscular power such as a bicycle, cycle, tricycle

"bicycle rack" means any structure installed by the University for the purpose of parking bicycles

"date of violation" means the date that the violation occurred as designated on the Traffic Offence Notice

"disability parking space" means the reserved parking spaces designated for persons with disabilities and/or those requiring wheelchair access

"holiday" means any statutory holiday recognized by 間眅埶AV

"impoundment" means to seize and keep in custody by towing and/or wheel locking for an alleged violation of these regulations;

Mobile Payments see Pay by Phone

"motor vehicle" includes all vehicles propelled other than by muscular power such as an automobile, motorcycle, truck, motor scooter, van, bus

non motorized vehicle includes, but is not limited to all recreational devices propelled by muscular power such as skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, scooters, and bicycles

"operator" means the driver of a vehicle

"owner" means the person in whose name a motor vehicle or trailer is registered

"parking" means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not

Parking Fees means any fees associated with parking permits, hourly parking rates, fines/penalties associated with a traffic offence notice, or impoundment fees relating to these regulations

"parking area or lot" means the entire driving and parking area of any area designated as a parking area

"parking permit" means a windshield sticker or other form issued by the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services Department to indicate that the vehicle is registered with the University for the purpose of parking on campus

"patrol person" means a member or designate of the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services Department, 間眅埶AV, and includes any person having the authority of a patrol person

Pay by License Plate, or grammatical variations of that term, means a system established by or on behalf of the University whereby the operator of a vehicle may pay the fee for parking in an hourly lot at a pay station in accordance with the requirements as indicated on or at the pay station.

Pay by Phone, Mobile Payments, or grammatical variations of the term, means a system established by or on behalf of the University under which a person may:

a) Set up a cash or credit card account with the University or designate, and

b) Pay the required fee for parking a vehicle on campus remotely by phone, tablet, or other mobile device or app in accordance with the requirements of the Universitys system regarding pay by phone

Pay Station means an electronic appliance designed for the purpose of accepting payment for, and indicating a time within which the operator of a vehicle may park in an hourly lot on campus. A pay station may either dispense a Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) Receipt or allow the operator to Pay by License Plate.

"peak hours" means the time period between 8:30am and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday only

"pedestrian area" means an area in which vehicular traffic is not permitted and is so designated by signs or obstructions as pedestrian walkways or access areas

"person" means an individual, partnership, unincorporated or any incorporated entity

"printed material or literature" means printed advertisements, announcements, letters, etc., but does not include the Traffic Offence Notices, Warning Notices, and Impoundment Notices, utilized by the Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services Department

"regulations" means the Parking Regulations

restricted permit holder means a parking permit that is purchased but is not valid 24 hours daily for a semester period (e.g. Evening/Weekends only, Every day but Wednesday, Inter-Session)

"roadway" includes a highway as defined in the Motor Vehicle Act, 1979, Chap. 288 as well as every travelled way of open space which is open to the public, as a matter of right of way or by invitation for the purpose of vehicular traffic

"roam" or "roaming privileges" mean the ability to park within specified lots during Non Peak hours without obtaining a special permit

"semester" permit holder means a parking permit that is purchased for a one semester period only

"stopping" means the halting of a vehicle even momentarily whether occupied or not

"Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) Receipt" means a receipt obtained from a pay station for the purpose of parking a motor vehicle on campus

"Traffic Offence Notice" means a form indicating an alleged violation of these regulations

"University" means 間眅埶AV