

Contractor and External Employee Parking

Daily Parking

There is no free parking on the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Burnaby Campus; all parking is paid parking, via permit, paystation, or app. 

External Employee Permits

Individuals and organizations who are working at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV but are not direct ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV employees, may be eligible for an external monthly permit.

This includes external groups, contracted employees, campus affiliates, and contractors.   

Please contact parking@sfu.ca to find out more. 

External Parking Permits

Service Permits

Service Permits may be issued to companies who require parking  for a marked company vehicle within close proximity to their jobsite in order to provide a service to the University. 

Service permits provide parking for up to 2 hours in any marked Service or Loading zone, in order to load/unload tools, materials, etc. 

Please contact parking@sfu.ca for more information. 

Contractor Permits

Individuals working as contractors for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV construction projects may be eligible for an external contractor monthly permit. 

The Contractor permit is valid in the Maggie Benston Contractor Lot, the Residence West Lot, and for up to 1 hour for loading/unloading in any marked Service/loading stall. 

Please contact parking@sfu.ca for authorization. 

Contractor Monthly Parking Permits

Contractor Hourly/Weekly Parking

The Maggie Benston Contractor Lot is Reserved for Contractor Parking.

Daily and Weekly rates are also available to Contractors within this lot, through the Honk App or Website, Zone 9358

Those parking on campus are responsible for abiding by the Parking Regulations; Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services both tickets and impounds vehicles found to be parked in violation.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services operates the parking at the Burnaby Campus. Different parking regulations apply at the Surrey and Downtown Campuses.