

Updated June 10, 2024

100 Level Courses

102W        Canada since Confederation | Harter

104             The Americas from Colonization to Independence | May

111             History of Technology | Windel    

130             Introduction to Global History | Ray | SUR

151             The Modern Middle East | Sedra SUR

200 Level Courses

204             The Social History of Canada | Chenier               

213             The United States Since 1877 | Taylor

215             The Making of the British Isles | Craig

225             20th Century Europe | Vinkovetsky    

255             China since 1800 | Jeong           

288             History of Christianity to 1500 | Pabel

300 Level Courses

326             History of Aboriginal Peoples of North America since 1850 | May

335             The Soviet Project | Vinkovetsky           

336             Ideas and Society in Early Modern Europe | Pabel        

359             Constructing the Nation State in Greece, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean |Doxiades        

372             City Life | Kenny           

390              Studies in History I The Bomb | Panchasi

400 Level Courses

404             Problems in Early Modern England |Craig         

417W         Problems in Modern French History  |Panchasi

424             Problems in the Cultural History of Canada | May          

430F           French Americas | Kenny          

440             Selected Topics in United States History | Ferguson      

447W         The Nikkei Experience in North America  | Matsumura

454             History of Sexuality | Chenier    

455W         Race in the Americas | Essame

467             Modern Egypt | Sedra

476            Modern Greece | Doxiadis

494             Honours Seminar  |Ray           


HC = Harbour Centre

SUR = Surrey

F = Instruction in French

SI = Sessional Instructor TBA

INT = Intersession

SS = Summer Session

OL = Online

STD = Special Temporary Topics Course

TBD = to be determined


Undergraduate Advisor

Erin Norman
AQ 6025

Drop-In Advising Hours:

10:00AM - 12:00PM

Book an Appointment: